Bonus Chapter 2: Marriage

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     Senpai and Lemon Demon had been dating for around 4 years now, and things have been going fairly smoothly for the two. There were rarely ever fights, and afterwards they would always apologize to each other. Senpai had just gotten back from a date with Lemon Demon, Sen agreed to watch over the kids while they went out. The two stepped inside and Senpai gave Lemon Demon a kiss before the latter went to bed.

"Ah, are you not going to bed yet?" Lemon Demon asked as he opened the door into his room.

"No, I wanted to talk to Sen first!" Senpai explained, and Lemon Demon closed the door and went to bed.

     The moment he did so Senpai pratically ran downstairs and grabbed Sen's arm, dragging him into the guest room.

"Gah! S-Senpai, what are you-"

"Dude, you gotta help me figure this out!"

"F-figure what out..?"

"I... I wanna propose to Lemon Demon!"

"A-about time..." Sen smirked, and Senpai lightly punched him.

"Since when did you get so... cocky?"

"S-Since you t-told me to be more c-confident!"

     Senpai grabbed his laptop out of his bag. He opened up a notes app and started making a small list of stuff needed to prepare.

"Alright Sen, anything you can think of?"

"U-uhhh... A r-ring for s-starters..."

"Dude, you know you don't have to stay in your human form right?"

"W-well yeah b-but... I do-don't want to b-be in my o-other form!"

"...You sure about that?"

"O-ok well I w-want to b-but... I-it'd be hard to h-help you l-like that..."

"Nah it's cool, ya just gotta speak anyway!"

"F-Fine..." Sen changed into his spirit form as he spoke.

     The two spent the day researching different engagement ideas, and over the next two weeks the plan was set. They had rented out an abondoned store in the mall so that Senpai could propose in private but public at the same time. Senpai bought an expensive ring with his mom's debit card, and everything else was seemingly set. All Senpai had to do was propose, and then they could worry about the wedding.

     Senpai gulped as he held Lemon Demon's hand, he turned around to see Sen giving him a cheezy thumbs up as they left to the mall. Senpai looked around for said store as Lemon Demon bought a pretzel for them both, he found it as he looked around for some sort of excuse. This is my only chance... He thought as he grabbed a pretzel and blurted out the first thing that he thought of.

"Hey Lemon Demon, can we go over there? There's something I'd like to ask you."

"Sure! You chose this place anyway, so go ahead!"

     Senpai grabbed Lemon's hand and led him into the abondoned store. Lemon Demon protested until Senpai explained that it was fine. The two entered a part of the store with no windows nearby and Lemon Demon turned around and put the pretzel wrappers in the trash can nearby. He turned back to see Senpai on one knee, his hands covering what looked like some kind of small case.

"S-Senpai..?" Lemon blushed as Senpai spoke.

"Lemon Demon... I've loved you for years now a-and... Look, I don't know how to build this up so I just wanna get straight to the point. Will you marry me..?"

"Senpai... Of course! I- I can't believe this is happening, I'm- I'm so excited, this is just so perfect!" Lemon Demon exclaimed as he quickly put the ring on and squeezed Senpai.

"Too tight, too tight!"

     Senpai felt like he was suffocating as Lemon Demon hugged him, and while it was a sweet gesture he cared about his lungs. Lemon Demon let go of Senpai eventually, the smaller gasping for air.

"So... I guess now we gotta prepare the wedding?" Senpai suggested.

"Well we don't have to do too much..! We don't exactly have the money for that..."

"Dude my mom is rich, we can ask her for some cash!"

"Alright, I guess we could do that..."

     In the end the wedding was planned nicely, the two planned to marry outside while still being in the town and then go on honeymoon to Japan. Sen was appointed as the best man (the only choice for the role honestly) and Skid and Pump were the flower kids. The marriage ceremony went flawlessly aside from the part where the two were supposed to say their vows.

"Do we have to do all this fancy stuff?" Lemon Demon complained.

"Yeah, I don't exactly feel like waiting anymore, so why don't we just-"

     Lemon Demon interuptted Senpai with a kiss on the lips, and Senpai had quickly reciprocated. The two were wed just like that, and everything else went without a hitch. It had been a few days since then, and they had just returned from their honeymoon.

"Hey Senpai, q-question..." Sen spoke up and Senpai nodded in response.


"I'm not like, y-you know... in the way of things by staying h-here... am I?"

"Dude of course not! You get along great with the kids plus you pretty much planned the entire wedding! I owe you one honestly!"

"I- I mean... Thanks..! I'm sorry I'm j-just really... insecure..."

"If it helps I think your pretty cool! You're the best brother I could ask for if I'm being honest! Just... don't tell Kip that!"

"I won't! Or uhh, I'll try not to..."

"Speaking of which, mind taking the kids out for a bit? Me and Lemon Demon wanted to spend a little more time together, if you know what I mean..!"

"Alright... Pervert."

"H-Hey! I think I'm allowed to do that stuff with my husband!"

"Yeah y-yeah, just let me go get the kids and w-we can let you two... Ahem, go at it."

"Thanks man, your a life saver!"

     Sen quickly spoke to the spooky kids about going out, and just like that they had left. Senpai smiled, he was happy to have found such a wonderful family, and a wonderful husband in the process.

A/N: And with that the story is finished! I hope you guys enjoyed this because I have not a clue how weddings work :P but there all still some other things I'd like to do such as clean up the first few chapters and make story art, the milestone things are going to be shown on the next chapter!

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now