You eat WHAT NOW!?

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Cw: Brief mention of cannibalism! No actual cannibalism, that's next chapter but fair warning if you don't like that stuff skip these next few chapters!
     "So... What's your favorite food?" Senpai asked, trying his best to make the question sound genuine. There was a brief silence before Lemon Demon responded with "Are you sure you want me to answer that?" "Well, yeah that's why I asked?" Senpai was confused as to why he was making it sound like a personal question. "It's kinda... Not a normal thing..."
"Oh! Well I won't judge you!"
"You promise..?"
"Promise." Senpai held his hands up so that Lemon Demon knew he wasn't lying. "It's... Uhh.. I like eating... People..." He mumbled, and Senpai didn't catch a word of what he said. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you." "People. I like eating people." "Oh..!" WAIT WHAT?!? Senpai felt himself panic as he realized what those words meant. Calm down, this is exactly why he didn't want to tell you! Senpai yelled at himself mentally before saying, "Oh you mean like, humans? Do- Do you eat them raw? Or like, how exactly does that work?" Lemon Demon looked genuinely surprised before saying "No I don't eat them raw, of course not! You've gotta wash them and cook them first just like you would with any other meat!" "Oh, sorry I don't know much about cooking, especially not cooking people..!" There was another silence before the Monster asked, "Are you... Curious?"
"What? No!"
"You sure your not curious?"
"I'm quite certain!"
"Your face says otherwise!"
He wasn't gonna lie, he was VERY curious but he wasn't just going say that out loud! "I can show you how to cook them if you like!"
"But doesn't that mean you'd have to... You know... Kill someone?"
"I've already got a dead body in the fridge back at my place."
Senpai didn't really know what to say so he decided he'd just ask whatever question was on his mind. "How exactly do you cook... It?" "I guess it depends really. You could deep fry them, or bake them, or boil them really anything works! Just... Don't ever microwave them. "Why not?" "Makes them taste terrible, you can pratically taste the microwave on them." The two passed by a shop that sold different spices and cooking supplies, and Lemon Demon stopped. "Oh, is there something you want to buy here?" "Well I'm out of spices so I need to pick some up, especially if I'm going to show you how to cook!" "Oh, makes sen- Wait what?" "Well you said you don't know how to cook, especially when it comes to cooking people, so I thought I'd show you!" "Oh, of course!" I hope I don't burn the house down... Senpai thought as they entered the store.
     As soon as they grabbed what they needed and paid, they checked the time to see that it had almost been two hours since Sen went off with Skid and Pump. "We should probably get going to the food court..." Senpai said, and Lemon Demon nodded in agreement.
     They headed back to the food court to see Sen had gotten Skid and Pump dinner, and they had a lot of bags. "Oh h-hey! I bought them a few things, I hope you don't mind!" A few? Senpai thought as Lemon Demon said "No it's fine! I'm glad you guys had a good time!" "Yeah, we had lots of fun!" Skid exclaimed. "Hopefully we can hang out with Mr. Sen again soon!" Pump added. "Alright well, we should get going, it's getting late." "Bye bye Mr. Sen!" "See ya later Mr. Sen!" Senpai decided to stay behind to thank Sen for helping, even if it was just a coincidence. "Hey, Sen! Thanks for helping, me and Lemon Demon got closer today, I'm really glad we got to spend some time alone!" "Ah, your welcome!" "But you never told me you knew those two?" Senpai was curious as to when they became friends. "Oh, I don't... This was my first time ever talking to them..!" Before Senpai could say anything back, Lemon Demon called out to him. "Hey Senpai! You coming with!" "Oh, I'll be right there! I'll see you around, Sen!" "Yeah..!" And with that Senpai ran off to go back with Lemon Demon, and Sen smiled.

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now