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Cw for attempted r*pe! This chapter is probably the darkest yet so fair warning!

     Senpai woke up the next day to a text from his mother. "Are you coming home tonight? I'm making meatloaf! ♡" He responded with "be home soon just woke up if im not home by dinner then you can call the cops" His mom was a tad bit overprotective but he wouldn't have it any other way. "Good afternoon, you slept through breakfast!" Lemon Demon said as Senpai walked down the steps. "Damn... Is it lunch time?" "Yeah, I made mac and cheese but there's still leftovers from yesterday if you're interested." "Nah, I'll just have the mac and cheese, leftovers suck anyways!"
     After eating, Senpai gathered his stuff and began to leave. "Oh? Leaving so soon?" Lemon Demon asked as Senpai walked to the door. "Yeah, my mom wants me back by dinner! I'll try to come over later this week if that's alright?" "Of course! You can visit whenever!" "Thanks! I'll see you around!" "Yup! Stay safe!" Senpai went out and started on his way home.
      Despite it being the middle of the afternoon, something felt off. Damn it Senpai you walk this way all the time, it's the same way you walk to school! He tried to reason with himself as he passed by another alleyway. He heard a loud crashing sound and quickly looked through the alleyway. "Hello?" He called out, hoping it was nothing dangerous. He got closer to the source of the noise to see... A cat? It had blondish brownish fur and blue green eyes. He didn't realise cats could have heterochromia but it sure was a cute cat. It reminded him of Sen. Too bad it was too dark in the alleyway to take a picture or he would have totally sent one or two to Sen. "Aww, while aren't you a cutie!" He sang while he pet the cat.

     He hadn't expected anyone to sneak up on him, let alone in the middle of a spring afternoon but he was wrong. He felt hands grab him and push him onto the wall as the cat ran off.


"Well well, look what the cat dragged in!" One of the attackers said and Senpai couldn't tell if that was a pun or not.

"It's not everyday we find such a pretty boy like you!~" Another said.

I don't know what the hell these people want but I am NOT having it! He thought as he kicked the person grabbing him right in his balls.

"YOU LITTLE-" Senpai tuned out what they were saying as he focused on running as fast as he could out of the alleyway. He almost, almost made it out but someone grabbed him and dragged him back into the alleyway.

"Well aren't you a little aggressive, hmm?"

"That'll just make you so much more fun to play with!~"

Oh god this is really happening, I'm really going to be gang raped I don't want this please!

"Please, please I don't want this! I won't tell anyone just please let me go!" Senpai could barely see, he was losing his breath as they choked him, tears started falling but his cries were on deaf ears.

"Oh we'll let you go once we're done!~"

He tried to fight back but was stopped by a solid punch to the gut.

"Hey! Stop fucking fighting or we won't be so gentle!"

Senpai felt himself start to lose consciousness, but right before he passed out he could've sworn he heard a scream and saw a red flicker.

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now