Hospital Visit

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     Senpai awoke to the sight of bright lights and a bunch of voices. He looked to see Lemon Demon, Skid and Pump, Sen and his mom surrounding him, and upon closer inspection he realized he was in a bed, but not his bed. "Nnnh... What happened..?" The last thing he could remember were... Those people, they tried to hurt him, something else happened but he couldn't quite remember what and thrn he passed out. "G-Guys!" Sen called out. "He's up!" Everyone rushed over to his bed, all talking over each other as he could hear relief in their voices.

"Oh thank god your ok!"

"I-I thought you died!"

"Mr. Senpai! Are you ok?"

"Do you want some candy!?"

"Sorry I should've walked home with you!!"

He couldn't hear everyone at once so he just shouted "Everyone please stop! I can't hear you all at once!" Everyone quieted down and eventually he asked, "What exactly happened? I remember being ambushed and passing out..." there was a silence before someone finally answered his question.

"W-well... After you passed out I saw you unconscious in the alleyway, the people that attacked you were... Already gone... I called you an ambulance and then I called your mom and Lemon Demon..."

"Luckily the doctor said you didn't have any lethal wounds, the worst of it is a spranged ankle." His mom chimed in as she hugged him.

"Sorry guys... I should've taken a cab or asked Lemon Demon to come with, that was really stupid on my end."

"N-no! Don't blame yourself for this! You can't control things like this from h-happening!" There was a bit of a silence before his mom's phone rang.

"Oh, I'm sorry I have to take this, it's for work!" she said before quickly excusing herself. Skid and Pump had already left to give candy to the workers, so it was just Sen and Lemon Demon in the room.

"Hey uhh, about what I said before..." Sen seemed a little on edge as he spoke.

"You mean about what happened after I blacked out?" Sen nodded.

"He wasn't telling the full truth." Lemon stated.

"Wh-what!? Then what actually happened!?"

"Well you s-see... We found the people who attacked you... Dead. Lemon h-hid the bodies and I helped but..."

"We think someone was either trying to protect you or trying to frame you."

"I-I don't think anyone was framing you..!"

That's when Senpai remembered the red flicker. I think I'm being haunted... But how? He tried to think of the first time he saw it and remembered that it was the mall trip. Oh my god I think those two actually did summon a spirit..! he realized.

"Hey... You good?" Lemon Demon asked.

"Yeah I just... Wanted to know how long I'll be here for?"

"Until tomorrow. But they said you might have to wait another week before you can walk on that leg, so they're giving you crutches until then."

"Ah, ok."

The rest of the visit was filled with comfortable silence and occasional light talk until visiting times were over, and everyone went home for the night.

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now