Senpai meets a clone and shit goes DOWN

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     It had been about a week since the mall trip happened, and since then nothing too interesting has happened. Senpai's been getting along with Skid and Pump more, but it felt like he wasn't getting much closer to Lemon Demon. Senpai sighed, today was going on forever and he REALLY didn't feel like staying in the classroom. So he asked to use the bathroom before going off to find the abondoned classroom he remembered Lemon Demon talking about.
     This is the classroom for sure! Senpai thought as he looked at the door, which aside from a weirdly shaped handprint, was extremely dusty. He entered the room to find there were only two desks, setup in a way so that the people who sat in them would look directly at each other. In one of said chairs, Lemon Demon sat reading a book. The moment the door shut he looked up from his book to see Senpai standing there. "Oh hey, didn't see you there." "Oh yeah I just came in... Just now... From the hallway..." There was a silence before Senpai asked, "So... How's your day going?" "Pretty good, I'm a bit tired however, I didn't get much sleep last night." "Oh..." Senpai didn't know how to respond to that. There was an uncomfortable silence before the Monster stated, "I'm gonna go check up on the kids." "Oh ok!" Senpai said, and with that Lemon Demon left the room. "AAAAA WHY AM I SO AWKWARD OH MY GOD!!!" Senpai screamed, hoping that nobody heard him because damn it he felt stupid.
     He took a moment to breathe before finally deciding to leave the classroom and go back to class, only to turn the corner and bump into... Lemon Demon? Again? That's odd, it hasn't even been a minute, how come he's coming back already? "Oh hey uhh, there's a clone of you in that classroom." He said, giving an expression Senpai couldn't really read. A clone? But most of the clones intentionally didn't go to school... So why was a clone here? Is he a rival? Did he come here to see Lemon Demon like I am? Oh god this isn't good! Senpai thought as he rushed into the classroom.
     He entered to see the clone in question... Twiddling his fingers..? Like a total loser! Senpai thought. It angered him to see a clone of HIM acting shy, so he did what any totally normal person meeting a clone of themselves would do... He kicked him in the nuts. "OW WHAT THE F-" The clone in question screamed, as the few others in the classroom made small ooo's and aaa's. "W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" He cried, to which Senpai said "That's for acting like a loser!" Senpai knew he was acting like this because he hated the way he acted around Lemon, but he just couldn't control himself. All this, stupidity and awkwardness he'd beem showing Lemon Demon made him feel like a loser, and he just wanted to take it out on... Something, or someone. "You know what, i-if you just came here to insult me, the door's right there!" "I didn't come here to insult you ok? I just, fuck man, I dunno anymore!" Senpai exclaimed, desperation present in his voice. "H-hey are... You ok? You seem a little... On edge." The clone asked, he actually sounded worried for Senpai. "This isn't about me ok, this is about you!" Senpai was desperate to change the topic already. "I mean, look at you, you stutter, the way you hold yourself together, can you even talk to people??" "Why would I need to talk to p-people?"
"Well I mean... If you don't talk to people, then how do you order your food at a restaurant..?"
"You've... Got a point there."
"Or... Get a job?"
"True, true..."
"Or talk to someone you really like but are too awkward to be around??"
"Or, make any kind of friends!?"
"Yeah you're right!!"
"Or do anything at all!?"
The clone looked really pumped now, as he pratically screamed, "Yeah! I'm gonna talk to people!" Just as he was about to leave the room, Senpai called out to him. "Wait!" "Hmm?" "Well it's just that I didn't quite... Uhh... Get your name..?" "Oh, my name? Just call me Sen!" "Alright, you go get em, Sen!" Senpai said. "Yeah, thanks Senpai!" Sen called out before rushing out of the room. Speaking of which, he really should get back to class, the bell was going to ring soon.
     He got back to see that Skid and Pump were... Gone? He then looked out the window to see them outside the school. Oh, their skipping... Senpai thought as he sat down. There wasn't much he could do except tell Lemon Demon when he came to pick them up.

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now