Chapter 10: Hydra.

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Sorry for disappearing for so long but I hope y'all can forgive me and enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think.




Uh! Whoever is at the door is dead I swear! I want to sleep! Can't a pregnant woman Rest In Peace!

"Who is it?" I called out as I open the door. 

My mistake. I noticed it too late, just as the door was half open I saw a man all in black with his face cover. The first thing that collided was his fist to my face as I was brought from my shock stage. The hit did threw me off my feet but as I was going down I grab a nearby vase and threw it at his face. That gave me enough time to get up, he took out a knife out of his pocket as he advance towards me. 

As he try to stab me I grab him by his wrist and elbow him at his throat so hard that he let go of the knife he was holding and grab my hair and slam me to the wall.


I jump-kick him in the stomach making him stumble and I jump and wrap my legs around his head bringing him down with me, then turn him upside down as we were falling. Putting myself on top of his back. And then did a classic key as I grab him in a choke hold and press hard and made him passed out from the lack of oxygen.

Just as I let go.

I heard a another pair of steps running and the person that came in made me freeze.

I open my mouth to speak but then she threw a grenade to me, but I couldn't move away far when it explode. Then darkness consume me.

Flashback End

"Hello wake up, wake up- GET THE FUCK UP" a hard slap woke me up from my sleep.

And I couldn't believe my eyes.

She just smirked and look at me with disgust.

"Well hello Natalia glad you could join us" signaling to the men in the room.

The red room still exist and that made my heartbeat accelerated.

This can't be I destroy it.

"Cat got your tongue didn't it" she snicker and I finally got hold of my voice and said.

"How is it you alive?" I said in a whisper.

"I see you surprise, did you really thought I was dead, that you could kill me when I was the one that taught you all you know" she spat as she growled at me.

"I saw you die, I FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled as I try to get a reach for her but found my hands and feet tided to the chair.

And she laughed seeing my struggle.

"Did you really think so, that you really thought a complete pathetic bitch like you could bring me down" as she clapped her hands amused. 

"Oh but did hurt didn't it, you really don't think I can do it again" I snap and she glared at me as she slap me again.

"You dare disrespect me! When I gave you everything!"

"You made my life a living hell!"

"Oh Natalia how stupid of you I created you the perfect fearless assassin their ever was. I gave you knowledge, I made you stronger and how did you pay me, by betraying me!" 

"We created you, the only way that we would ever go down is when YOU" pointing a finger at me. "Go down, but you won't let that happen will you"

"Didn't you learn that once a black widow, once an assassin always an assassin" she said as she twirled a piece of my hair. 

"You wrong, I will be never like you!" I yelled. She just came close to my ear and whisper "Oh that what you are, being an avenger doesn't make you anything special just a fucking title that you make yourself called, but we both know the truth, your hands are stain with blood, your soul is stained with blood, you are corrupted" she whisper in my ear.

"But you are useless and old, we don't need that" and it click.


"Oh yes you are useless but that baby will make a good soldier."

"NO!! I WILL NEVER LET YOU" as I struggled with the ropes but it was useless

"But Natalia you the one tied to the chair" she smirked as she snap her fingers and doctors rush to me with needles in their hands.

"NO I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, I WILL KILLED YOU, IF YOU DARE DO ANYTHING TO MY BABY-" I couldn't speak anymore as I all the sudden felt all my energy be drained from my body.

Oh my God, please no, not my baby, everything else but not my baby.

"No" I whisper as I was fighting to keep my eyes open.

"Rest now, you're home" the woman whisper.

Home? This baby is my home.

"Don't-" I try to say but I couldn't get the words pass my lips.

"Shhh don't say anything my child, don't worry I will take good care of my grandchild." She comment and the last thing I heard was her sick laughter.

How did I get here? I let my guard down and I fell right at my mothers claws.

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