Chapter 1: Suspicious.

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For the people that don't know ( Nat ) and ( Tasha ) are Natasha nicknames.


Me and Natasha have been dating for a while, and I really love her. Even when I didn't remember my pass I use to always feel that she was special. 

Some months ago we confessed our love to each other and I bought a ring but lately she has been acting differently. She became distant and we barely do love. If she is not in the house, she is out on a mission with Clint or Steve. I trust Steve with my life I know he wouldn't dare try to steal my girl. But Clint is another story, him and Natasha were once together. He hates me for hurting Tasha twice. And he didn't took the news to well when he knew me and Tasha were together. 


Today we telling the whole team about our relationship. As we walk in the living room.

"Hey Guys, so what did you call us here for?" ask Stark from the couch as he ate popcorn.

"Yeah" Sam but in, from the floor  "Cause I was just about to get the number of the receptionist when I got your message" he whine. And Stark kick him signaling him to Shut-Up.

Steve was leaning on the wall next to Thor who was devouring a pot-tart while bruce was siting on a chair drinking his cafe while reading over some reports. 

"Well me and James would like to make an announcement?" Natasha started.

"What is it?" ask Steve confused.

"Well me and Tasha are together" I said and everything happen at once.

Bruce spill his cafe. Tony choked on his popcorn. Sam mouth was hanging open. And Steve almost trip when he try to move. While Thor was grinning and in no time and he wrap his arms around me and Nat. 

"T-Thor l-let g-go I-I c-an't b-breath" Natasha said. And damn lets say that when he let go I could feel how my lungs got air back in.

But when he pull away we were tackle by Tony.

"Yes, Bitch! Its About Time! When are we getting a mini Barnes?!" he yell in excitement. 

Steve and Bruce help us pull off Tony that was now rambling.

"So when this happen" ask Steve with a smirk.

"Since I got my memory back a few months ago" I said 

"Well Congrats, y'all make a good couple" said Bruce hugging me.

"That for sure" Steve said giving me a slap on the back and a bear hug to Nat.

While Sam was still on the floor looking at us shock.

"What Sam! Cat got your tongue"  Stark stated

"Shut- Up!" "You just mad cause you own me now" Stark said crossing his arms.

"About what" Everyone ask.

"We bet who would Natasha would end with Clint or You and I bet on you while he" Stark pointing to Sam "Bet on Clint".

"What the heck guys?!" Nat yelled at them.

"Was it only you two?" and they both shook their head.

"Who else was in the bet?" Steve ask 

"Nick, Hills, Coulson, King T'challa, and even Pepper too!"

( King T'Challa) A.K.A  (Black Panther) real name (Chadwick Boseman) RIP. We will miss you! Wakanda forever) If you didn't know he die August 28,2020 because he had Colon Cancer.

"Gosh" i whisper. "What going on?" a voice said from the elevator.

Their stood Clint in his avenger suite with his arrows on his back and a bag full clothes in his hand, it looks like he just came from a mission.

"Oh Bucky and Red are together!" squeak Stark.

"WHAT!" Clint yell furious as he clench his fist. "Is that true Nat?" he said eyeing her and I glared at him, I knew that he still had feelings for Tasha.

"Yeah its true, Clint" Tasha respond confident, and I simile at my girl as she grab my hand and interlock our fingers. But that seem to anger him more and he lunged at me with his fist, but I quickly dodged it and I push him away with my metal arm making him loose balance and falling on his butt. Even if I dislike him I don't want to hurt him he is Tasha best friend after all.

But Clint didn't gave up, at the end we fought we keep on going until Thor and Steve held me down while Sam and Tony try to grab Clint, Bruce was trying calming down Nat, who look shock.

End of Flashback

Believe it or not but it took him a whole month to let it go and talk to Nat again.

Right now I am alone siting in the living room when all the sudden I feel my phone vibrated.

When I open the message, my heart instantly shatters it was a picture of Natasha kissing a man.

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