Chapter 2: Not What It Seems (Edited)

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I was brushing my teeth like crazy, today me and Clint went to a Mission in Pennsylvania, there were rumors of a secret hydra base operating there, so they send us to check it out. It turn out to be an abandoned factory, where gangster met up and sell alien guns.

But on our way out a group of them surrounded us and their leader took a slight interest in me and I made up a plan to get out, I would have to cause a distraction. So I just went on the flow when he flirt with me, I gave Clint enough time to call for back up but I never expected that bastard to kiss me and Ewww.
It was horrible as soon as his lips touch mines I punch him repeatedly, and I bet I broke one or two of his teeth, but I don't care. Soon agents of SHIELD surrounded the building and arrest everyone. As soon as I step on the quinjet I went to the mini restroom that was there, and I brush my teeth with my emergency tooth-brush that was in my bag.

While Clint was laughing his ass off outside the door.

"Shut-Up Clint!" I yelled irritated.

"Sorry...Hahahaha.....It just...Hahahaha.... Oh my god..hahaha...You really brush...hahaha....brushing your teeth....hahaha..." he said trying his best to breath.

I roll my eyes but thank fully I heard Hill voice my life saver. 

"Clint leave Nat alone before she beat your ass and I am not going to stop her!" she said and I could imagine the smirk she had on her face right now. And I heard him snort.

"Ha. Natasha never I always win I just give her the benefit of the doubt since she is my bestie."

He going to DIE! 

I quickly rinse my mouth with mouthwash and spit it out and proceeding to clean myself with a towel. As I open the door I got this terrible feeling in my stomach, a feeling that I been feeling lately and I knew what was coming, I quickly ran back and threw up in the toilet.

~4 Minute Later~

I quickly clean myself and try my best to make myself presentable. As soon as I came out the restroom Hills and Clint bomb me with questions.

"Nat are you sick?"

"Are you alright?"

"Do you want me to call bruce?"

"Did you eat something spoil?"

I just shook my head and when to seat down.

"Clint call bruce and tell him to prepared the laboratory, that Nat isn't feeling good" Hill told Clint. When Clint left and was out of sight, Hills turn to me.

Then. She. Ask.

"Nat are you pregnant?"

I look up to see her eyes staring at me intensely. 

"Yes" I whisper. Her eyes grew 2 times larger as her jaw drop.

"Oh my gosh, Nat, does anyone know?"

"No, I haven't told no one, not even James" and I instant feel immense guilt for keeping it from him.  "What the hell Nat!" She whisper yell. "How could you keep it from Barnes?!"

"I don't know, I wasn't sure at first if I was pregnant so I took a pregnancy test and it said negative, but I kept feeling bad and I didn't tell nothing to James because I  didn't want to get his hope up, and then I ask Tony to do a check up on me and he said I was pregnant, at first I thought he was joking. Then he did an ultrasound on me and I heard my baby heart"

"YOU PREGNANT!" Clint yelled shock standing by the door. How is it that I didn't hear him?

Then he did the unthinkable.

He fainted.

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