Heart of Eostrun

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The Heart of Eostrun was the oldest tree within the Werenluna.

It's said that all the roots within the Werenluna forest can be traced back to the Imperial Elm Tree of Eostrun.

The same elm tree whose branches would be used to craft wands for the Elatoris royal blood line. The ancient wood was bigger than any castle or tower that any mortal could aspire to build. The snow-white branches murmured softly in the breeze and the petals would bleed the same color as the elven kind – a deep ruby red.

See the sway of the branches was like watching the autumn bloom in the dead of winter. Impossible yet tragically beautiful.

Eiriell led Wren and Valyria along with a company of elves to the Heart. The two hundred elves that composed the company were of their youngest within the army. They planned for the worst-case scenario which included Eiriell retreating back with her own forces should Tetran get close to the Heart.

Orion looked up at the white elm tree amazement.

"Thank you." Eiriell looked up at Wren and then Valyria, "You didn't have to..." She trailed off.

Valyria engulfed the elven girl in a big embrace, "You didn't have to come back for us, but you did. We want to do this." She pulled away to look at Eiriell's lilac eyes, her blue eyes searching for something within the Princess, "All those years ago, Wren and I left Brilux because we sensed something in the Palace... Something we didn't want our children to be around." Valyria explained.

Wren remembered back to that time.

They used Valyria's pregnancy as an excuse to retire to the country side.

Only for the mishap with Phoenix in her youth to occur, they decided to move back to Brilux, but on the condition that they maintain distance from the Palace as feasible.

Eiriell nodded, "I'm sorry still, to pull your family into this."

Wren shook his head, "You're family too, Eiri." He looked over at her as earnestly as he could, "Phoenix would have been here too, no matter what."

Eiriell returned the sentiment, her eyes trailing to Orion, "You're brave, you know that Ori?"

Orion looked down at Eiriell, he stood half a head taller than her now, "Not as brave as I can be."

"Plenty brave enough." Eiriell leaned in and placed a kiss on Orion's cheek, "Look after this for me, please?" She gestured to the grand elm tree.

"Of course." Orion smiled.

He had a wand that Eiriell had fashioned for him at his waist and a short sword too. He wasn't as adept as Wren in hand to hand, but he matched his mother's talents when it came to magic.

The gryphon contingent that Eiriell brought with her to the Heart were mounted up, the elven Princess easily coming atop Liona's harness and then regarded the company of elves that had come to the Heart.

"I won't mince my words, so please listen." Eiriell regarded her countrymen, "You are Eostrun's... no, you are the Werenluna's last hope. There has never been a time in our long history since the elves were without the Werenluna. There has never been a time since the Werenluna was but a thicket that she has been without the elves."

She looked up at the Royal Elm Tree of Eostrun, "We need to protect her, now more than ever. Protecting the Werenluna... protecting the Heart will ensure that our future for both elves and this ancient forest will continue onwards. No matter how difficult that trials ahead that waits us. So long as the Heart remains standing, there will always be a future for the Werenluna and for our people."

A cry echoed off of the large canopy from above.

With a great screech, Liona took flight with the rest of the Elven gryphons.

The contingent on its way once more to the frontlines.

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