Flight or Fight

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It was muted at first, but the noise became clear over time and soon the sound of water gently feeding a crystal-clear pool awakened Phoenix.

The child's first instinct was to dive straight for the water. Phoenix greedily gulped down the fresh and crisp contents which calmed the burning sensation of her throat. It wasn't until after that she felt the sting in her hands. Phoenix bit back a yelp, her left hand could barely close, but her right hand was faring a bit better.

With her right hand, she used the water to try and rinse the grime from her face and to awaken her senses. Phoenix took note that the sun was either setting or rising.

And that she was still in the cave.

The cave with the gryphon who had folded up near the entrance and watched the child with interest.

Phoenix paused, worried once more and scrounged around for the weapon.

The gryphon's eyes flicked to the hunting knife that was at the mouth of the cave.

Phoenix would have to cross in front of the great beast in order to get it.

If it wanted me dead, I'd be dead by now.

The thought flashed through Phoenix's mind, the child relaxed.

"W-Will you hurt me?" Her voice was hoarse from a combination of dehydration and the constant screaming and thrashing from before.

The gryphon cocked it's head to side, as if regarding the child before looking out at the sight in disinterest.

I'll take it as a 'no'.

The child relaxed and took in the gryphon, she noticed that one of it's wings was bent at an odd angle. Phoenix reached out to touch the gryphon's bent wing, but the sharp snap of it's beak caused Phoenix to scoot back considerably. With her blue eyes, Phoenix took note how truly big the beast was. Easily stood as the same height as her home in the country, if not a bit bigger. She remembered the speed that the great beast moved when it cleanly bit off Hiram's wand arm. The gryphon stood before her as an apex predator that had earned its way to the top of the food chain.

And so Phoenix sat there, next to a water source and a gryphon which blocked her only way out.


She caved and began eating the bugs Phoenix deemed to be safe the best she could. She inspected each one for sacks or anything sharp before she choked down the meal. Her companion did the same thing for wandering rodents and snakes that came close to the entrance. It seemed that the gryphon was in the same predicament with his broken wing, she saw three claw marks tear through neatly at its left wing.

Phoenix could sympathize before while her right hand was relatively usable, her left hand still hurt to move or do anything with.

She thought back to the encyclopedia of beasts and monsters that her mother had within her study in their old home. She recalled how gryphons were considered proud beasts and notoriously difficult to tame. But there were still gryphon riders out there in the world. A small but famed squadron resided in the capital city of Brilux. The encyclopedia mentioned how the elves were well known for riding into battle with an entire battalion of gryphons. The gryphons were known for their immense intelligence and undying loyalty – once it was gained. Their feathers could be used as a core for powerful wands and weapons, their bones made for the sturdiest of handles and could be grinded down to medicine. But most of all, it was their beast core that was coveted the most. All beasts had a magical core that could be retrieved once they died or were killed.

For certain beasts, a core and other parts must be given willingly in order for it to bestow upon the user it's immense power. Gryphons were considered just that, even a feather must be given willing – or else it will wilt and decompose quickly over time.

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