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Eiriell re-read the letter, her jaw clenched while processing the words.

Elnaril hovered over her granddaughter's shoulder, her eyes taking in the handwriting that had been the tell-tale sign of a note personally written by a royal.

It was signed by 'Rollin the Daring'.

Eiriell rolled up the parchment and tossed it haphazardly on the desk, it had been a week now since the letter came and she would need to respond soon or else risk a slight against Brilux that would only devolve the tense relations further down the slope. There was already trouble with the elven merchants trying to move through the Narrows of the Great Granite Range to get their wares to Tetran. Ailduin had sent letter after letter addressing the harassment his people have faced despite how amicable Eostrun had remained on their side of the pass.

Gryphon patrols by Brilux had increased along their border, other elven riders and their winged-mount subjected to the same treatment under the guise of protecting the Tetran skies from any threats.

Her father roared when he heard word.

A majority of the winged-beast riders were only citizens, which only enraged King Ailduin more for the poor treatment of his elven kind.

If what Rollin had written was true, then Ryosuke would have received word as well.

"What do you wish to do?" Elnaril asked her granddaughter who stood by an arching window which was of the same towering height of the room's ceiling.

"I want to burn this letter and take Liona on a long ride." Eiriell closed her eyes, her brow pressed tightly together while she processed the information.

The Princess had taken to the skies even more since her return from Brilux.

Tucked into the belt that held up her silken trousers that were tailored to her form was a worn-down hunting knife with its bone grip, right next to the white elm wand Eiriell would always carry.

Elnaril would always see the image of a young girl twirling that knife around to impress her granddaughter whenever she caught sight of the familiar weapon. The former King watched while Eiriell's fingers traced the grooves on the handle, there was a ghost in her eyes every time she did.

"And so you can, if you choose to." Elnaril placed a hand on her granddaughter's shoulder, like her King father and her Queen grandmother before they parted on to the Great Beyond, she was there to advise. "But this is also an opportunity to address some of the unease that have been going on between our countries. Our envoys and messengers have failed to even deliver word beyond the Brilux Palace Gates so far."

"I know, which is why I detest this response that I must write." Eiriell huffed.

Even more so after this war across the ocean, she had love for her people and her heart clenched at the maltreatment they have received for undue cause.

"P-Princess and your Majesty!" An elven guard came running through the open door of Eiriell's study.

"What?" Eiriell addressed the guard quickly, concern clear as day – was it another incident with Tetran again?

"T-The Beastman Prince has arrived."

Elnaril's eyes went wide at the announcement, "We did not receive word about his incoming arrival, send word to prepare a group to receive him."

"We already tried, he awaits outside of the Palace... with his dragon and a few wyvern escorts."

Eiriell thought immediately to Tsuuki, "Is there a human with him?"

The guard nodded, "Yes, her name is – "

Eiriell rushed past him and took the familiar route to the front of the Palace.

The scales of the red dragon had taken more of a ruby color within the shade of the Werenluna, the mount sat steady, refusing to move from his spot while his topaz eyes eyed each guard warily. The great dragon noticed the Elven Princess immediately and only then did he begin to relax.

"Feeling better now, Archion?" The deep timber sounded out, "I told you it would be fine." His red hair was just as wild as when they were younger, his beastman ears flicked about while he chuckled at his dragon companion.

"It's one thing to show up unannounced, but completely another when you have Archion swooping into another kingdom's territory." The biting remark came out.

Archion huffed in agreement, the dragon lazily rose to his full standing height.

With a final look at Eiriell, did Archion take to the skies above.

Eiriell looked on disbelief.

Then broke into a wide smile when she realized who it was that she was dealing with.

"Hey." Ryosuke smiled, the beastman had filled out in the years since leaving the Brilux Royal Institution. Instead of the uniform of their alma mater, the Beastman stood dressed in all black of clothing from Jishora. The cloth of the hakama and kimono looked durable and at his side was a simply black katana, the sheath bore a golden insignia of the Royal Shoukon Family. The sleeveless kamishimo bore the same insignia on his back.

Kieara stood by his side, dressed in similar drab.

The same insignia on her back, signifying the mating bond between the Beastman and Human.

"Eiriell!" Kieara ran up to her friend and threw her arms around the Elven Princess.

Eiriell gladly returned the warm embrace, she always adored how the blond was warm like the sun above.

"Not that I'm displeased to see you, but what are you doing here?" Eiriell stepped back and regarded her friends. She saw Tsuuki stand in the back with another Beastman she recognized from their Institution days.

Ryosuke pulled out a rolled-up parchment with the Wolfsbane seal on it, "I was hoping we could rest here for the night, we've got a few days ride still until Brilux."

"You could have gone there quicker without coming here." Eiriell pointed out.

"I know, but I wanted to talk to you about this first. Knowing you, I doubt you've sent your response." Ryosuke let out.

"Ryo decided to have a face-to-face talk with Rollin, since he hasn't accepted any of Dolan's messengers." Kieara sighed out.

"it's the same for Eostrun." Eiriell closed her eyes, "What were you hoping to gain by coming here?"

Ryosuke smile, a fang slightly protruding from his lip, "At the very least, to get you and Liona to come out on a short trip with us."

Elnaril crossed her arms and smiled at the way Eiriell lit up around her two friends.

It made the former King surer that Eiriell would be fine without her if she had friends like this.

And would be a Queen most befitting for Eostrun. 

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