Part 27

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TW- Mentions of suicide( YOU ARE LOVED! I LOVE YOU!)


(This first bit is like a recap so feel free to skip until next notice)

I woke up, my head hurting terribly. I go look in the mirror

"You look terrible" I hear a deep voice echoed

"Who was that?" I ask

"Don't remember me?" A shadowy figure oozes out of my eyes and ears; making me look possessed, "why, I'm your best friend" his voice is cold and empty

"No, Tommy's my best friend; he loves me" I defend, feeling scared and unable to move

"Does he really? Wanna find out?" He asks and without me answering he snaps his fingers

The world spins and we land in our living room, yesterday; I just went upstairs to change after I told them about me being bullied

"Hey Tommy?" Clay said

"Yeah?" Tom responded

"How do you feel about this situation?" Clay asked, looking at him thoughtfully

"I don't care honestly, Aaron deserves it. What's wrong with her" he said, I can't look away; it's nit true

"That's not true" I say to the shadowy figure

"Wanna see what will happen when you pass?" He asks again and before I can say no he shows me; hung from t he ceiling using a rope

"Tommy!" Clay screams from next to my body, clutching me as if I'll be revived; it makes me hurt just seeing this.

"What?" Tommy says as he strolled into the room, "ha! She finally did it! Fucking loser couldn't deal with it" he laughed his streamer laugh

His laugh echoed, black dust and goo started oozing out of my hanging body. Tommy's laughs were getting louder, the shadow was laughing, Clay started laughing, Nick was laugh, kids at school were laugh, Will was laugh, Tubbo was laugh.

"No!" I yell but I was drowned out

"NO! NO" I scream.

"NO!" I scream again, on my bed. Tears streaming down my face and my voice hurting from yelling.

My door busts open, it's Tommy.

"Hey, what's wrong" he runs to my side and goes to grab my hand but I pull away. I didn't mean to, I know it's not true

What if it is?

Are you the shadow figure


"Aaron? What's wrong? Talk to me love" Tommy pleads

"I- the voice. He was a shadow, he said, he said-  laughing, m dead, you hate me" my breath goes ragged and I feel dizzy

"Come here" he pulls me to him and take me to the bathroom, setting me on the floor with my back against the wall, and grabs a clothe. Putting water on it and then touching it to my face. Bringing me back to reality

"Hey, hey, hey, it's me; you're ok" he whispers to me

"Yeah" I say, starting to fan out my breathing

"What happened?" He asks, grabbing my hand

"The voice in my head, he's a shadow; he said you didn't love me. You said you didn't care; he showed me! You didn't care that I died!" I yell

Best Friend || TommyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora