Part 10

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Same Day as last chapter right now

Clays POV:

I new Tommy and Aaron like each other. It's obvious. Wilbur and I have been placing bets since the day in the car on when they'll date.

"Before we leave" I say

"No. Tommy's much more cautious" Wilbur said, "I give it a week after you guys leave"

"Aarons to stubborn and anxious. Tommy's to nervous" Tubbo said, butting into the conversation, "they won't date for like 3 months at LEAST" he said, and he has a good point.

"That's an excellent point" Wilbur said smiling

"That's still really soon to start dating someone" I said, "I knew my ex for a year before we started dating"

"Well they've technically known each other for a about half a year" Wilbur said, "AT LEAST" he said mocking Tubbo

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well they followed each other on stream, they've just never really gotten to know each other until recently" Wilbur explained, "I'm not sure why though? Why wait til now to be close?"

"She did just go through a breakup. She's still broken; crying in her sleep" Tubbo said, "I see her at night, I normally go sit next to her and play with her hair to calm her down"

"Thank you, for helping her" I say to her.

"So Tommy's been a close friend helping her. That's actually really sweet" Wilbur gushed.

"When they were planning what to do she said, 'can we go on a mini platonic date' and looked at him weird and he completely melted" Tubbo said laughing with me and Wil

"Simp" I laughed said and we all laughed some more.

"No. To be a simp you have to want the coochie" Wilbur spoke

Sunday- Day 7

Aarons POV:

So, it's official. I like Tommy. But everyone falls for their best friend at least once in their life.

Everything we do is normal right? I do have this adorable picture of him; it's my background

Everything we do is normal right? I do have this adorable picture of him; it's my background

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I know adorable.

All friends hold hands.


Gotta be close with the homies

"Hey guys" I say to Clay, Wilbur, and Tubbo. Tommy was in the game room streaming, which I need to do.

"Hello Mrs Innit" Wilbur said

"What- why are you calling me that" I groan

"Aww look! She's blushing" Tubbo yelled and laughed

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