Part 19

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When I woke up I was really confused, I'm not at Wills and Tommy's not with me, but as I looked around I recognized Clays room; I'm home

Having this thought made my stomach drop again but I can't change it, so instead I pulled out my phone and texted my group chat with the two teenage boys, for some reason they named it 'the boys' but whatever.

My phone said it was 11am, which means it 4ish for them.

"Hey, you awake?" Clay asks, I look up to see him leaning against the door with his toothbrush in hand

"Yeah, just got up" I tell him

"Ok, you might wanna go get dressed; Nick and I are gonna try to start moving as soon as possible" he lets me know

"Ok" is all I say and I stand up, stretching my joints; I'm so tired

Standing up and walking down the hall Patches stays by my feet and walks in my way, "what the hell" I laugh when she just sits in front of me.

When I reach my door, I push it open and gasp at the sight I see.

All of my stuff; my little knickknacks and decorations were on the floor, my clothes were flung all over the place, my picture frames with me and Clay were thrown to the ground and broken.

Patches walks into my broken room and looks at me, then walks back to my legs; head butting my calfs

"Clay" I whisper, but he heard me walking to me before I heard him abruptly stop, "why" is all I say, it's all I can say

"Oh Aaron" he says and pulls me to his chest but I immediately push away

"No, I wanna look at this shit. This is so childish and unbelievable" I shout and run to my room, cutting my bare foot a little

There's glass and bits of plastic everywhere and my sheets are ripped, the curtain remained safely on the wall; just letting me know that this was on purpose.

"What the fuck!" I yell, "really? They get mad so my room is their punching bag!" I yell

"Hey, it's ok"

"No! It's not! Look at this!" I held up a picture of me and Clay when we were little, "the glass is shattered and the picture is ripped, we can't replace that picture!" I yell at him

"Look I know you're mad but yelling isn't gonna fix it" he tells me calmly and places his hands on my shoulders to get me to look at him

He's right, he normally his; I'm a hot head and he is the one that stays calm under pressure, "yeah, you're right" I sigh under defeat, "it's just frustrating" I groan

"I know, look I'll help you pick it up; it makes moving easier" he playfully pushes me

"Quite the silver lining" I grin and push him back, "I'll get it myself though, can I borrow the car?" I ask and he nods knowing I'm just going to the corner store for a snack and a monster

"Don't wreck and don't text and drive" he reminds me and I roll my eyes playfully. Carefully I walk through my room to grab a shirt and shorts and go to the bathroom. Just bushing my hair and my teeth was exhausting; energy drinks are needed.

"Bye, I'll be back soon" I tell Clay

"Ok" he calls from his room where I can hear he is packing his stuff and is really tired

As I walk outside the warm air kinda scares me, I got really use to Brighton's cold and rainy weather.

The car smelt comforting me, right as I got in my phone started ringing, it's Tommy

Best Friend || TommyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ