Part 15

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TW! SELF HARM! I'll put a notice where it starts but be careful (remember you are loved and known <3)

Friday- Day 12

Tommy's POV:

When I woke up Aaron was still on my chest, my shirt had smudge mascara on it; I don't care.

Seeing her like that broke me, it hurt so much. The girl that I care for, she's so pure and sweet; and she'd probably kick my ass if I called her pure out loud.

She was curled against me, her face was red and blotchy from crying, I bet her eyes will be red when she wakes up

"Is she ok?" Tubbo whispers, lifting his head, she was asleep with us all piled into the same bed to help comfort her

"She seems like it right now, she's still asleep" I whisper to him, brushing hair out of her face

"I feel terrible, can you imagine" he sighs

"Honestly? No, how could her mother; the woman that should love her most, practically disown her" I run my hands through my hair trying desperately not to yell

"I know, I have half a mind to tell her off" Tubbo said, matching my anger

"Agreed. The second I meet her-" I cut myself off from Aaron lazily putting her head on my lap, I smile at her; she's so sweet

I can feel my stomach develop butterflies-  gross

"She's so amazing, how could her mum not love her" I feel a tear well in my eye, I clear my throat to get rid of it

I look at Tubbo and he's looking at me knowingly, "why don't you just admit that you like her"

"I'm not ready, I want to be 100% sure if my feelings so I don't hurt her" I pause, "she just got out of a relationship less than a month ago" I sigh

"You're right, I'm sorry dude. I know is saying it doesn't make it easy" he gives me a sorrow filled smile

"It's fine, it's her I'm worried for" I twirl her hair in my fingers

"Yeah, imagine her mental health" he chuckles, but it sounds forced

"I didn't even think about that" that's a lie, I have. How does she do it? Balance her family, heart break, online hate, school. Damn, "how does she do it?"

"She's said that she likes to keep busy to not think. I remember her mentioning that's why the trip was at a good time" he sighed

"I just-  I don't want her to hurt anymore Tubs"

"I get it"

I get up to use the bathroom, the lock is broken from when Tubbo locked himself in and we had to break the fucking door

When I get back Aarons is curled into a ball and Tubbo is on his phone

"Wanna go talk to Clay?" I ask Tubbo and, even in her sleep, Aaron seems upset that we're leaving so I grabbed my hoodie and gave it to her

"Why though" Tubbo asked when we go to the hall

"I wanna know where she's gonna be staying" I shrug

"Ohhhh ok" he nods and we go to the living room where Will is eating breakfast and Clay is concentrating on his laptop, probably buying plane tickets for Sunday

"Hey" I say, getting their attention

"Hey, how is she?" Clay asks, it sounds like she's in the fucking hospital

"Asleep" I give a forced smile and sit down, facing Clay and Will, "where's she staying?" I ask them

"I assume with me in Florida, Nick and I were gonna move in anyway" he tells me

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