Part 14

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Thursday- Day 11

Through the night I kept waking up because I was cold, Tommy was in his own bed, so I eventually got up and grabbed Tommy's hoodie before going to sleep; the scent calming me

The morning came to soon but I'm actually excited, today I'll be singing with Wil which is always a good time

"Morning" I say to Tubbo as I head to my bag to get my clothes

"Hey, nice hoodie" he smirks, probably thinking I don't know it's Tommy's

"Thank you kind sir" I joke and give him a spin

"Popping off!" he chuckles, "what're you doing today?"

"Recording with Wil, gonna do a cover of E-girl" I smile brightly

"That sounds like a lot of fun" he enthuses, matching my energy

"It will be, I'm gonna go get dressed" I tell him and go to the bathroom, locking the door and getting dressed

Simple and comfortable for today, I'll be filming all day so might as well make my outfit enjoyable

"Hey" I say to Clay, giving him a hug. I don't talk to my brother enough.

"Hey, what's that's for" he chuckles and hugs me back

"Just happy" I smile and he laughs

"Ok then"

I let go and got a bowl and the milk, "can you get the cereal" i wine while standing on my toes to try to reach it

"Of course, shorty" he snorts and grabs the box of Cheerios

"Jack ass" I mumble and sit down at the island with my cereal bowl

"Hey" Tubbo says, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a bowl to make cereal as well

"Hey" Clay says and I put my AirPods in, listening to 'Coffee Stained Smile'

Tommy's POV:

When I woke up Tubbo and Aaron were already gone so I threw on a hoodie and walked down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen

"I've learned all the states" I hear Tubbo say

"I don't even know all of them" Clay say dumbfounded

"Why have you tainted yourself Toby! Those nasty states" i exclaim as I walk into view, the two boys standing and leaning on the counters with cereal while Aaron was sitting at the bar

Her legs were swinging as she happily ate her food, she does that a lot; dance while she eats

"Oh good lord, the child woke up" Clay groans

"I'm not a child! I'm a man!" I screech

"A cranky child" Clay says

Tubbos just laughing at the two of us going back and forth

"What the fuck" Aaron says, taking out her AirPods, "why are y'all so loud"

"Dream is being a dick" I fake pouted

"Poor baby" Aaron cooes sarcastically gently grabbing my and giving me a hug, since she was on a stool my head was resting on her shoulder and her head was on mine

"I'm seriously gonna puke" Clay groans

"Oh shush you" Aaron giggles and let's me go, my arms cold from the loss of contact

"Hello children" Wil walks into the room

"Hey!" Aaron chirps and hops down from her seat to give him a hug

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