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26th June 2021

Fun fact! Today, but in 1997, was the day that the first Harry Potter book was published and started selling in bookshops! Thank you all for being so kind with your comments and votes, I really appreciate it :) As always, please tell me of any mistakes I make. Also, just a heads-up, I will be updating next month on the 25th, not the 26th.

I woke up to a relentless banging sound on the door. I was still lying on top of Percy and I could see him blinking. There was some drool at the corner of his mouth and he sat up, wiping it away.

I rolled on to my side. "Percy. Can you turn that sound of?" I mumbled to him.

"I wish I could."

"Whoever is at the door, please shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled after clearing my throat.

"Sorry!" Came a voice from outside the door, "But mum wants you to come down stairs for breakfast. It's almost nine".

I had no idea who they were, or who their mum was (maybe Mrs Weasley?), but I sat up anyway and got off the bed.

"Thanks! We will come down in a moment", Percy shouted back. There was a thumping sound (presumably footsteps) and the sound of a door slamming somewhere else in the house.

I took off my hoodie that I had slept in and rummaged around in my bag for a cleaner one. By the time I had found one ("Isn't that exactly the same as the one you just took off?". "No, this one is dark blue".), Percy was already standing by the door in jeans and his swimming hoodie, shifting his feet impatiently.

I pulled it on as we walked out the door and down the stairs. The stairs seemed way shorter now that I wasn't about to die from exhaustion, but as we had been in the attic of a giant house, they still went on for ages. As soon as we entered the kitchen (after walking into a room with a cupboard which seemed to be walking around on its own with actual feet. We had quickly walked out, me muttering apologies to it, not knowing if it had feelings or not), Mrs Weasley ushered us into chairs and gave us each a plate piled with toast.

The first thing I noticed, apart from the mountain of toast in front of me, was the fact that there were a lot of redheads sitting at the table.

There were two identical looking boys, who were probably twins, who were talking to Harry. (The Stolls look the same but are actually not the same age, a fact that shocked me when I learnt it.) There were also three more ginger people, Ron (whom I had met last night) a young girl and another man with long hair and piercings. The girl was chatting with a girl with very bushy brown hair, and Tonks was sitting near them, but they fell silent when we came in.

In fact, everyone fell silent when we came in. I awkwardly looked at my plate, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. It was easier to talk to a group of adults who had just caught you breaking in their house, than talk with a bunch of kids my age who had much more judgemental stares and much worse table manners (I'm looking at you here, Ron, please shut your mouth when chewing.)

"Everyone, this is Percy and Nico. They will be staying with us for a bit. Please make sure you are polite to them," Mrs Weasley announced and went back through a doorway.

There was a murmur of hellos and they carried on staring at us.

"Hi, I'm Hermione, and this is Ginny, Fred, George"- She gestured at both of them as she said their names, so I had a feeling she didn't know the difference -"Bill, Tonks, Ron and Harry", the girl with bushy hair said in one breath.

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