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26th February 2021

Right, so at first I was trying to stick to canon, but then I realised that this wouldn't work the way I want it to, so it's slightly different. Not that it actually matters, because this is fan fiction, and I can do what I want. :)

The effect was immediate (immediately funny). They all gasped and pointed their sticks towards us. I think one actually screamed.

Crazy Eye Man narrowed his eye. "Who's soul are you here to take, Nico?" It was obvious he thought we had given him false names.

"How about you introduce yourself first." I raised an eyebrow, "It's what polite people do instead of pointing twigs at others." I bit back a smirk at their furious expressions.

"Very well. Let's go into the dining room first." He stumped back towards the door they had all came through, the large group of people on his heels (or should I say heel?). Me and Percy were about to follow, but the boy stopped us from walking any further and put his hand on my arm.

"Why are you really here? I don't believe your 'collecting a soul' act for one second and I'm not afraid to use my wand. Ahah. So it was a wand.

I ripped his hand from my arm. "How about you let go of me. If you had listened to the conversation earlier, you would know that we were about to discuss why we are here in the dining room."

He scowled at me."Fine, but don't try anything, death eater."

Immediately Percy started giggling and soon I started too."Who would...eat Thanatos!" He gasped, tears almost leaking out of his eyes.

"I know!" I snorted.

The boy was staring at us. "Who's Thanatos? And why would you think that's funny?"

I waved him off, having finally got my breath back. "It doesn't matter."

Percy opened the door to the dining room and gestured in. "After you." I rolled my eyes at his antics, but walked in. The boy attempted to walk in after me, but Percy closed the door. It could have been an accident, but judging by the smirk on his face, I had a feeling it wasn't.

When everyone had sat down around a long dining table Stump Leg cleared his throat. "Right. Introductions." I waited for him to introduce himself, but he never did.

"Well?" Percy asked impatiently, "We've already said who we are".

"Full names," Mad Stumpy Eye dude growled.

"Oh. Well, I'm called Percy Jackson, and this is Nico di Angelo"

When he mentioned my name, a few people seemed to recognise it, which was odd, because the name probably hasn't been used since I lived in Italy.

"Are you, by any chance, related to Arthur di Angelo?" A black haired guy asked. I was, in fact. He had been my Grandfather (on my Mother's side, obviously), but they didn't know that I was stuck in a casino for 70 years.

"Yeah. He was my great, great, great Grandfather", I said. That had to be enough greats, surely?, "Why?"

"He was a great Wizard in his time. Famed for his necromancy, but he never used it for evil. He even taught charms for a few years as well," the man explained.

"Wait. What do you mean Wizard?" Percy butted in. They all looked surprised.

"You can't tell us you didn't know that your family has magic?" The pink haired lady said incredulously.

"Yeah. They didn't even know about death eaters either. Said something about a Thanatos instead," chimed in the boy. They all started talking loudly about us, seemingly forgetting we were there.

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