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26th January 2021

So I'm probably going to update once every month, usually on the 26th. Yes, I know it is a random date.
I'm not one of those crazy people who post a 10000 word chapter every hour (Actually that would be very impressive, but I don't think it is possible, if it is then wow), but I am one of those crazy people who thought it would be a good idea to start reading and writing fanfiction and so now I have no life.

We landed in a dark, damp corridor of an old house, and, although Hades had said it was abandoned, there was light coming through the gaps around the door at the end of the corridor and a murmur of voices could be heard coming from the room. As this house was in London (at least I hoped I had shadow traveled to the correct address), there was quite a large time difference from America - at least 5 hours. We had left at 3 in the afternoon, so now it was around 8 o'clock.

Suddenly we heard a creaking sound, and a large door that I had not noticed slowly started to open. I could see a sliver of deep blue sky and shadowy buildings across the street. I quickly stepped backwards and pulled Percy with me, into the shadows of the hallway and out of sight. A group of people entered the door and closed it behind them. There was a young boy, around my age that looked like Percy, a creepy man with a fake blue eye that was whizzing in its socket, a woman with bright pink hair and a few others. They all walked past us and through the door at the end of the hallway, and I could hear exclamations of happiness and excitement from the room.

I put my finger to my lips and me and Percy crept forward towards the door. I put my ear against the crack and listened in, motioning for Percy to do the same.

We couldn't hear much, and what we could hear wasn't very interesting, as all they were talking about was the house. A moment later, a pair of footsteps started towards the door and me and Percy darted back into the shadows again. The door opened and a plump ginger woman and the boy from before came out. As they walked past us, I could hear a little snippet of their conversation - something about a Ron and a Hermione? I'm not sure.

The boy almost walked into a large hat stand, but managed to skirt around it, making a giant puff of dust waft into Percy's face. His nose twitched in an attempt not to sneeze, but it failed, and he sneezed.

Why did I have to have such an un-sneaky boyfriend? Both of the strangers spun around, gripping...twigs?


"Who's there?" The boy asked - a rather meek attempt to be brave. Percy swallowed, but we stayed silent and in the shadows.

"Did you hear that?" He asked the woman. She shook her head.

"It's quite late - you probably just imagined it," she said kindly. "It is an old house - who knows what's in it."

The boy scowled. "I definitely heard something. It sounded like a sneeze. I'm not imagining things."

The woman sighed. "I'll check if there is something. Not that there will be." She raised her chopstick and pointed it at the shadowed wall me and Percy were blending in with. I may have been making it even darker, but they didn't know that.

"Homenum Revelio!" She said confidentially. A spark shot from her stick and she gasped. Were these people related to Hecate?

"There are two other people here!"

Me and Percy glanced at each other.

Welp, here goes nothing.

I stepped out of the shadows, cleared my throat and held up my hands to show I wasn't armed - or at least I wasn't holding a weapon. I had plenty of knives strapped to my body - you could never be too safe, they were just glamoured by the mist. Percy followed me, his hand in his pocket, where I knew riptide was.

The woman screamed and the door burst open and the guy with the creepy eye ran out. As soon as he spotted us, he raised a stick, (seriously, what was it with these people?), and yelled "STUPEFY!"

A red beam shot from his stick and came racing towards us. There wasn't any time to duck, and the light hit me in the centre of my chest. I stumbled backwards from the shock of it, but the light had just bounced off and hit the hat stand, which toppled over.

All the strangers gaped at me and more people came out of the room. Percy turned to me. "Are you okay?" He asked urgently.

I grinned at him. "It takes more than a laser pointer to hurt me".

Creepy Eye stumped over to us. I noticed he had a wooden leg, and part of his nose was missing, and it just made him creepier (and uglier). I gripped the hilt of my Stygian sword at my waist.

"Who are you?" he growled, "And how did you get into our headquarters?"

I chewed my lip. I obviously couldn't tell them about demigods and shadow travel, but they seemed to have magic, or at least what looked like wands. Maybe they were descendants of Hecate.

Luckily, Percy came to my defence, "Uh, we came through the front door, like any normal person would." Okay, maybe it wasn't the best idea to let him speak.

"That's impossible," A pink haired woman said. There were murmurs of agreement coming from the crowd and Creepy Dude stepped closer, raising his chopstick menacingly

"I'll ask you again, who are you?" He growled.

"I'm Nico, and this is Percy," I jabbed a thumb in my boyfriend's direction, "And we have come here to collect a soul."

Word count: 917 (I told you it would be longer!)

Song by My Chemical Romance and is called Planetary (GO!)

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