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26th March 2021

I don't really have much to say today, so I hope you enjoy this one!

When I came round, the first thing I noticed was that the air stank of mould and rot, the same sort of smell you would find in a cave that held a dead goat in - and yes, I knew that from experience.

Keeping my eyes closed, and staying as still as I could, I listened to the conversation between what sounded like Mrs Weasley and Tonks.

"What have you done to them!" Mrs Weasley hissed, "Nico looks dead!"

Rude. I always look like this.

"He always looks like that! Anyway, they are dangerous. They got into this house without anyone noticing, and without breaking the wards! They could be death eaters!" Tonks hissed back.

"Well, it's a bit of an over-reaction to hit them both over the head with a brick and tie them to chairs"

So that's what happened. Great. I was tied to a chair. This seemed a bit cliché, but they were wizards that actually use wands and wear cloaks. Luckily, me and Percy were sitting back to back - as long as that was his head. Although it was usually Jason who got hit by bricks. (Or hit on by bricks, which Percy and Piper like to say).

"We couldn't think of anything else! They are immune to all our spells!"

I decided this was a good time to wake up, and opened my eyes. The room we had been put in was small and square, and rather like a dungeon, with rusted chains hanging from the greenish walls. They both quickly noticed me and called all of the other people into the room. Harry attempted to walk in as well, but Mrs Weasley stopped him, and sent him upstairs, to where I assumed his bedroom was. 

"Why are we tied up?" I asked them. The answer was obvious (Depending on my mood, I would probably tie up some kids if they had snuck into my cabin), but it was funny to see Moody lose his temper.

"Because you weren't being truthful and our most powerful wards have been broken by two teenagers who claim to not have heard of the wizarding world." Snapped Snape.

"But we haven't." Percy said.

"Well we can check that, using Veritaserum. Severus, do you have any?" Remus said.

What was Veritaserum? The way they were talking about it, it sounded almost like some sort of truth serum. This could be very bad, as if word of the Gods and Goddesses got out, our world could be ruined.

"No. But I have a supply at Hogwarts. I can apparate there now".

"There will be no need for that," came a voice from the doorway.

Everyone jumped and turned towards it (apart from Percy, who was facing the other way).

The person was dressed in the most bizarre outfit. His clothes seemed to be some sort of weird loose dress. It was a dark purple colour with what seemed to be blue lace around the cuffs, hem and neckline. His giant silver beard was tucked into a belt around his middle and I'm pretty sure he was wearing red heels underneath all his clothes. His face was very wrinkled and his eyes were a bright blue.

"Dumbledore. I see you got my message?" Remus said. No wonder that the most weirdly dressed guy would have the weirdest name.

"I did. It is most peculiar that two teenagers have managed to access our headquarters".

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