Chapter 5

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*Harry's POV*

I'm at my cousin Ed's house. Apparently Ed and the guy I met at school Louis are really close friends. He's very... loud. Ed is finishing my heart tattoo that he started about 2 months ago when I visited. I've been sitting in this damn chair for 2 hours and I'm ready for a cigarrett. Louis comes out of the bathroom with a red towel tied around his neck in nothing but his SuperMan boxers. He runs into the living room laughing, which makes Ed and I laugh.

"Apparently we aren't paying enough attention to him. How about you smoke a stogie while I clean up a little bit." Ed says shaking his head at Louis.

"SuperMan!!! WAIT! Wheres Kevin?!" Louis yells stopping dead in his tracks. I shake my head and walk outside and see Kinley next door holding a crying little boy with tears running down her face and she's on the phone, talking frantically.

"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! SHE COULD BE DEAD FOR ALL WE KNOW! BRING AN AMBULANCE!" she yells into the phone. I run over to her and rub her shoulder, making her jump and almost drop the little boy. I take a step back showing her I mean no harm and she starts crying even harder.

"Addilyne, she needs help. Her sister is hurt. Please go help her!" she says trying to calm down the boy and talk on the phone with who I am guessing in 911.

"Go over to the house over there and tell them I sent you. Tell them I need help." she shakes her head yes and I run into the house. I get inside and look around. There's glass on the floor from a shattered mirror and blood all around. 

"Addilyne?!" I yell up the stairs, going up two steps at a time. I see an open door and walk to it, peering inside. I see Addilyne crying over a lifeless teenage girl, and I, myself want to cry with her...

*Addilyne's POV*

"Stay alive... please stay alive Les..." I whisper in her ear over and over again. I rock her back and forth hoping and praying that help will get here soon. I hear the floor creak and I turn my head, thinking the guy that hurt her came back and I pull her closer to me. Harry walks in holding his hand up, showing me he doesn't want to hurt us. He walks over and bends down.

"We need to put pressure on her wounds to slow the bleeding. Do you have any scarfs or anything?" he asks looking at me with pleading eyes. He looked just as scared as I am. I point to my closet and he runs to it, opening it and grabbing a few scarfs off the hook and hustlles back. He rips her shirt in half, so he can see  where her wounds are. She was stabbed 3 times in the stomache. More tears escape from my eyes.

"Oh God, please Les..." I say still cradling her in my arms. He gently wraps the scarfs tightly around the wounds and you can see her weak breath hitch from the pain. I put my hand on her cheek, tracing the freckles that go across her nose. I stop when I realize that I'm smearing blood on her face, covering those freckles. I look up at Harry, just as a tear rolls down his face. Then I hear the sirens...


Dun! Dun! Duuuuunn!!! Bam! That just happened! What do y'all think? I think I'm doing pretty good so far! Bleh I'm tired but Elisha won't let me sleeeeeeeep! Anywhore! 0.0 How are my little chickens? Doing well I assume? That's good........welp............. bye! Mwahhh! :*


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