Chapter 1

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It's 3:45 a.m. Kinsley would kill me if I didn't call her about my nightmare, but I don't want to wake her up. I grab my cell phone from off my nightstand and scroll through Instagram just to waste a little time. It's filled with the pictures people took of the times they had during spring break, but only one really catches my eye.
I see a picture of a girl with shouder length brown hair and a shirt on that looks exactly like mine. I look closer and it dawns on me that it's my little sister and Kinsley's little sister drinking with a bunch of guys. It was only uploaded 30 minutes ago. I stand up and storm into Lesleys room, becoming protective as usual.

I open the door to her room and see her sitting at her window smoking a cigarrette. I gasp, snatching the cigarette out of her hand. She pales as she see's me and quickly stands up while I search her bag and drawers, grabbing the rest of the pack and her lighters.

"Just because I do this shit doesn't mean that you are aloud to Lesley Ophelia! You are 15 years old! Just because dad is never home doesn't mean you won't be desciplined! At this rate, you'll end up just like our mother! In prison for life! Is that what you want for yourself? Huh?!" I yell. She sits on her bed with her head in her hands, I'm guessing crying.

" Jesse broke up with me last night and I was upset so Margarette told me to go hang out with her at a party.One thing led to another and I couldn't stop. Sis it made me feel better. I wanted to just stay home but Mar told me I needed to have some fun. I'm sorry I made you mad and went behind your back. Please don't tell dad!" she says. I thought about it for a second and calmed down. I walk over to her bed and sit down, rubbing her back since that helps her stop crying.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. You're better than this and you know you are. What happend with Jesse, Hun" I lay down, pulling her down with me so that way we are cuddling like we used to when she would have bad dreams or a bad day. She would always come into my room and lay with me and watch a bunch of movies on Netflix until we both fell asleep. My eyes water as I start to realize how distant we have become.

She tells me all that happend with Jesse and I listen, giving her my opinion here and there. I ask her about school and she tells me about her grades and the new boy in her class. She falls asleep around 5:00 and I tuck her into bed. I go back into my room, deciding it time for me to call Kinley and tell her what Margarette did last night, but she probably already knows. Grabbing the phone off of my bed, I search for her name and click on it. It rings for a minute and she answered groggily.

"Hummo?" she says, I'm guessing with her face smashed into the pillow. I laugh at how silly she is. She has always been like that, goofy and weird. That's why we have been best friends for so dang long.

"Hey, you might want to get your lazy ass up for this. Because you're not going to like it." I say as I walk into my closet, looking for what I'm going to wear for the day.

"You are way too awake for five in the morning hoe. What happened?" she said with her sassy tone of voice, which only makes us both giggle.

"Okay sassy pants, our sisters were up drinking last night at a party and I caught Les smoking a cigarrette in her room. I wanted to murder mine but she kinda had a poor excuse so I let it slide. Would you like to beat Mars ass yourself or do you want me to be there so I can help? Because I can be there in like an hour and a half." I say grabbing my red flannel off the hanger and go back into my room to my dresser. She sighs and I assume is mumbling a bunch of cuss words because I can't understand anything she is saying. I open my dresser drawers and grab a clean pair of underwear, a bra, a tanktop, and my black leggings.

" I'll do it myself, but last time I told her that the next time she does it I would tell mom. So it won't neccessarily be me chewing her out. I'm gunna get up and tell mom right quick then I'm finishing the wonderful dream I was having" she says getting a little irritated because I apparently interupted that dream.

"Oh, were you dreaming about Mr. Bad Boy Louis Tomlinson?' I ask teasing her about her crush.

"No! Maybe... SHUTUP!!" she yells then hangs up.

I set my phone on my bathroom counter. I start the shower and undress. I throw my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper and step into the shower. I wash my hair and my body, and then shave my legs and armpits. I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body, wipe the mirror with my hand and brush my teeth, opening the door to let the steam out. I put my clothes on and start drying my hair with my blow dryer. Which is my least favorite part because my hair is so long. After about 30 minutes of my arms hurting, I braide my naturally straight hair at the side, leaving a little of my bangs and a few hairs to frame my face. I quickly do a natural look with my eyeshadow and put a few layers on mascara on my eyelashes.

I go grab my keys off my desk and remote start my car, that way it's not hot when I get in it. I grab my red combat boots out of my closet and a pair of ankle socks from my drawer and put them on. I grab my black beanie from my hat hook and put it on over my hair, grab my school bag, keys and phone and head downstairs. I grab a apple from the counter and head out the door.

Once I get in the black Chevy Impala dad bought me as an early graduation present, I send dad and Les a text.

To Dad:

Les is staying home sick. She was throwing up when I woke up and she had a slight fever. Meds I gave her should make her better by tomorrow so just tell the school she's sick when they call. Love u.

To Les:

I'm allowing you to stay home, only because your punishment is doing both of our chores. Have them done before I get home from shopping with Kinley if you are wanting to go to the baseball game tonight. Love u.

I buckle my seatbelt and drive to Kinleys to pick her up. It's 7:15, and I'm running late somehow. Guess I took a longer shower than I thought. It takes 10 minutes to get to her house and I honk as I pull into the driveway. She runs out in her Sleeping w/ Sirens tank top and her dark blue skinny jeans and her old, worn out converse.

"Why do you still wear those ugly ass things? I will buy you a new pair today as long as you throw those out." I say as I back out and head to school.

"Gasp! Why are you so hatefull towards my babies?" she say putting her hand to her heart as if I broke it.

I just laugh and keep driving, actually believing this would be a good day...

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