Chapter 3

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I walk over to my seat and stare down at him. Kinley sits in her usual seat next to me and starts chuckling. He looks up at me and smirks, clearly knowing he is in my seat but isn't going to move anytime soon. An idea pops into my head. I bend over so he gets a clear look at my fabulous tits and whisper seductively in his ear.

" I love how hard you are trying to get to me. But honey, I'm a little harder to catch than your usual girl." I nibble at his ear a little because I can tell he's the kind of guy to like that. I hear his breath hitch and I know I won.

"Now will you please move out of my seat, love?" I say putting my hand on his bicep. I glance at Kinley who is just shaking her head in amazement as he stands up. He goes to the seat right behind mine, clearly failing at hiding a boner. Kinley and I both bust into hysterics and he hides his face. I put my feet onto the desk and seconds later, the bell rings. The teacher stands up and starts writing stuff on the board about shakespear.

"Anther day in this boring ass classroom. Mrs. B tell me, when will you become an interesting teacher?" Kinley says and I start giggling.

"One more word out of you Miss.Hager and straight to Mrs. Kellers office. Do you understand me?" she says glaring at Kin. She turns back around and starts writing on the board again. I stop paying attention as soon as she says 'welcome back class'. I put one of my headphones in and start playing some red hot chili peppers.

Scar tissue that I wish you saw

Sarcastic mister know it all

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause

With the birds I'll share

With the birds I'll share

This lonely view

With the birds I'll share

This lonely view

And then I hear a new name called in the class.

"Oh Harry, I apologize. I was under the impression that you wouldn't be starting until tomorrow. Class, this is Harry Styles. He will be finishing your senior year with you. Class say hello." and the class reluctantly says "hi" together.

"You don't have to tell me hello. Just say yes to a date with me, cupcake." he whispers in my ear. Kinley starts busting up laughing.

"Ha! You think she'll go on a date with you? Doubt she'd let her first date be with your cocky ass." she says in between laughs.

"Oh no, it begins..." I say standing up and backing away.

"What are you talking about? And you've never been on a date?" he says looking at me weird.

"That was the mean and embarrasing thing she says right before the sugar kicks in. She finished her monster. It's going to start in 3...2...1..." I say backing away to the door. She starts to laugh evily right as the bell rings. I turn to run but students are blocking my way. She jumps over the desk, but fails falling flat on her face and she lets out a small groan of pain. I fall to the floor laughing my ass off and so does Harry. Kinley slowly stands up and glares, making me stop laughing. I stand up, grab Harry's hand and run like hell. She chases us around the school trying to catch us, laughing the entire time. Harry pulls me into a janitors closet and shuts the door..

I can hear her calling my name right after the bell rings. When we can't hear her anymore we walk out of the closet. I look at the schools clock.

"Her sugar rush should be over soon. Your class is over there." I pointed to the class and turn to go to my class. He grabs my wrist and turns me back around.

"Go on a date with me." he commands.

"Now why would I want to do a stupid thing like that?" I say and then walk away.


I pull into the mall with Kinley in the back seat with her nephew Lane. Her mom had to go into work and her little sister isn't aloud to watch him by herself anymore. So he had to come with us, I don't mind though. He's adorable.We walk into the mall, Lane on my hip as Kinley texts away on her phone. We walk into spencers so I can get a new nose ring. We walk around the mall, stopping at a few stores, getting a few things here and there.

After walking around for an hour we go to the food court to get something to eat. I sit down after grabbing my food. Kinley is in line for McDonalds so she can get Lane a happy meal. Then, my phone starts buzzing....

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