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Being ignored by Saint was what hurt Perth the most. Since that awful first night as a married couple, Saint had never even glanced his way. He only talked to Perth when he needed something, and that was when he had to tell him something about their family. He didn't even give him a look or a word. Not even an insult to him anymore. It was like Perth didn't even exist when he didn't need something.

That's what tore Perth apart the most. He craved Saint's attention, but not in a bad way. He wanted for the boy to approach him, even if it was in a friendly way, because even if they were married, Saint hated him, and Perth didn't understand why. They could be friends at least to make the living together easier. Who was he kidding? They were a stranger to each other. There would be days when Perth didn't even get to see Saint, and that hurt him. More than he would like to admit.

Perth was being stupid. He knew it. There he was, crying on his bed again, after not being able to cry for 2 weeks. He had fallen in love with Saint's lies those three months they were engaged. Perth had believed all his acting because that's all it had been. An act. Now that he knew this, he didn't understand why couldn't he just let go of his feelings, like any normal human being would. Instead, he longed for someone who hated him, even though Perth wasn't even sure what had he done to cause Saint to feel such thing for him.

It was morning, and Perth didn't have to do anything all day. Last night was the first time, Saint had talked to him in days, eleven days to be exact. And of course it was to say to Perth that he had to behave like the good little husband that Saint wanted him to be in front of his parents, and act like they were living a fairy tale, when in reality all the four past months had been nothing but a horror movie, on Perth's side of course. Because for Saint, tall, gorgeous, handsome, Saint everything was going perfectly. He had lots of lovers, a perfect job, a warm plate to come home to, and of course stupid little Perth to show off as his husband.

Oh, how exhausted Perth was! He felt nauseated to the fact that he had to act like nothing was happening in front of the world. He had to maintain the act the whole evening, that Saint treated him like fine china, for when to come home later that night he would sleep in an empty cold bed.

All he did the whole day was lay in bed, scroll through his phone and keep his mind off for what was coming in the evening. He didn't leave his room, not even to eat. He had lost his appetite somewhere through this whole fucked up situation.

It was something like six in the afternoon when Saint opened his bedroom door, not even bothering to knock when Perth realized that most of the day had passed.

"Start getting ready. We leave in an hour." Saint said with a bored face, with one hand on the doorknob.

"Okay," was all Perth said, not even moving from his bed where he laid on his back with his phone in his hands.

"You really need to expand your vocabulary. 'Yes' 'okay' and 'no' won't impress that much my parents."

"Fine," Perth replied.

"Don't make me angry Perth. You know it's not that pleasant when I get angry. It's been a while since the last time. Thought you appreciated that." Saint entered his room this time, walking slowly and stopping at the end of his bed to get his attention, a stern look on his face.

"I do" Perth said again. He got up from his bed, placing his phone on his bedside table and made his way to the bathroom. As he was about to enter his bathroom a hand caught his wrist and he was harshly turned around to face Saint.

"You are really getting on my nerves. Stop talking like you are a shy five year old girl. Drop this fucking game because it won't do any good to you." Saint said not releasing his hard grip on Perth's wrist.  The older boy's brows were furrowed and his jaw was clenching, meaning he was getting angrier by the second. 'Good' Perth thought.

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