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The room smelled like sex. That's the first thing Perth was aware of the moment he felt himself wake up. He hadn't opened his eyes yet. He felt something heavy on him. He was laying on his back and something or someone was weighing on him. It took a few seconds to take in what was happening.

He felt the sheets rumpled around their bodies, and the light around the room. His eyes felt heavy, and he didn't dare to open them for e few more seconds. His right arm was numb from the weight but he couldn't bring himself to care enough. Perth took a deep breath and dared to open his eyes.

The first thing he saw was the ceiling on top of him, and then the view from the big window of the room. Perth lowered his head and the only thing he could see was a mess of white hair. Saint's right arm was around his waist and his head stuffed on Perth's neck, his slow breath fanned on Perth's throat.

Perth could get easily used to waking up this way every morning. Feeling Saint all over him, and smelling the shampoo on his hair. It was a dream, a sweet dream that could be easily turned in a nightmare the minute Saint would wake up.

Perth didn't know what to expect. All the happenings of the night before, still seemed as a mirage. If Perth wouldn't feel the sweet pain in the lower region of his body, he would believe it had been one, a mirage that is. Saint had been so good to him, and seeing his husband cry like that had been the last thing Perth would have ever thought of happening.

Saint was still there, on top of him; making his presence known with the way he was suffocating Perth with his body. Their feet tangled on the sheets, bodies curled against one and other. Even in his sleep Saint held onto Perth like he was afraid the boy could leave any second.

Perth had meant to leave last night, after they had sex. Before he agreed to Saint's needs, he knew what he was in for. Saint could have turned out the same way he did all the times he approached Perth. But he didn't.

He begged Perth not to leave. That had been the biggest surprise of them all. Saint wanting him to stay. It warmed Perth's heart, and made his insides tingly with happiness. He so much wanted to believe that Saint could be like this with him, sweet and caring and loving and tender; making him feel as if he was the only one that mattered to the taller lad in the whole wide world.

But Perth had been fooled once. He wouldn't and couldn't let himself fall for those games once again. As much as he hated to admit it, it was probably 99% sure that the minute Saint woke up, he would turn out to be the same vile and rude man he had been always.

He tensed when he felt Saint move and snapped Perth out of his thoughts. Perth felt Saint's lashes against his throat, warning him for his awakening. The boy could easily pretend he was asleep, but Saint had probably noticed his Adam apple moving when he swallowed to prepare himself for the worst.

He didn't expect though to feel Saint's lips on the side of his neck, light and hot at the same time. Saint cuddled closer to Perth as if he could burrow himself there and make a home so he would never leave again.

Perth felt warm and soft under his skin. If Saint was a cat he was sure he would be purring right now from the satisfaction. The lad was sure he was crushing Perth a little with his weight on top of him, but he could not bring himself to care. If Perth won't complain then Saint for sure won't move.

The lad's heart was pounding on his chest, afraid of what could happen or what would he say now. The previous night had been the most beautiful and profound memory he would carry with him 'til the day he would leave this world.

Saint cleared his throat and decided to break the silence, "Morning."

"Good morning." Perth rushed to reply.

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