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Saint's head was pounding like a thick brick had hit him, and his body ached all over. He opened his eyes and he took in his surroundings. The familiar furniture´s of his room was what calmed him, knowing he had made it home safely last night. He didn't remember what had happened, only bits of the event.

The lad remembered getting piss drunk and after some commotion getting into a fight with some immense twat who had ran his mouth a little too much for his liking. The reason why he was beaten nearly into a coma, was not familiar with him right now.

He felt some spots of his body wet and it was getting too uncomfortable for him. Saint was sure he had not pissed himself, due too the wetness coming from different parts of his body. The CEO lowered his head slowly from where he was looking out at the window, trying not to increase the pounding on his head. He found himself shirtless, several packs of what seemed to have been frozen food in different places on his body. One on his ribs, one in his left chest, one of what seemed it should have been on his cheek, and he felt also one under his shoulder.

God, had he been so reckless to get himself beaten to this extent?! A furious groan left his lips, as he slowly turned around to face the door. The view that he was faced with left him speechless.

A brown head with two arms crossed under it, was resting in the side of his bed, tiny puffs of air leaving his lips from what he could hear. Perth? Was he the one to put these ice packs on him? He took care of Saint?

He felt uneasy being faced with this scenery in front of him. What was he supposed to do now? Why did Perth fell asleep here? Did he know the reason why Saint was beaten? Had Saint called him to come and get him from the bar he was at?

So many questions filled his mind and he needed answers, but what could he do? He didn't know how to act. Should he wake up Perth? He should or the smaller boy would get up with an immense ache of his neck from sleeping at the current position. He reached for the smaller boy with his right arm but was immediately stopped from the immense hurt he felt suddenly. A shriek escaped his lips and his left arm came to hold his other one trying to ease the pain.

The boy jolted from the terrible scream and suddenly was on his feet, looking around the room and then at Saint. A little crease was formed on his left cheek, from the heavy sleep he must've been in.

"How are you feeling?" Perth asked hesitantly, mentally battling himself if he should sit in the corner of the bed or not.

Saint winced as he placed his arm to rest on the bed again and raised an eyebrow at his husband. "How do you think I am feeling? I'm fucking wounded and bruised everywhere!" The taller man snarled.

"I was just asking. I should call a doctor." Perth turned around to go to the door but was stopped on the spot. "No, you are the hell not. I don't need no doctor." His husband shouted.

Perth looked at him with a wondering and angry look, "Who do you think you are? Freaking Deadpool that you can heal yourself? You need a doctor Saint, for all I know you might have broken bones all over your body."

Saint smirked and looked at him up and down, "You would love that wouldn't you? I imagine you're screaming from joy on the inside seeing me like this." He turned his head to look at the window once again, not wanting to give his husband another look any minute longer.

"Yes Saint I'm fucking thriving from looking at you like this. Woohoo." Perth shouted with a bored look on his face. "Now that this is out of the way, I'm calling your doctor. And I don't care if you destroy the room for the matter." The boy stated and got out quickly to call the doctor.

After the medic told him he would be there in less than an hour with his assistant, Perth went to his room and splashed some cold water on his face and brushed his teeth. He changed his pyjamas into his day clothes and remembered all the scene from last night.

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