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Saint was fuming, cursing under his breath and roaming through the kitchen. Perth couldn't see what he was searching for, from where he was sitting at the couch, but he figured it must be alcohol. Orn had done some 'spring cleaning' as she referred to it, so some things had been changed from their initial place.

'Well done, Orn! You change things around and now I am the one to have to deal with him!' Perth thought. He heard cupboards being closed harshly, and groans from the man in the kitchen.

Perth had enough. It's been about half an hour like this. Saint had come early from work today, slamming the front door shut, throwing his things everywhere in the house. As soon as he had seen Perth on the couch in the kitchen he had scoffed, not even minding saying a word. It wasn't like the other day's that Saint came home was all pony's and rainbow's, but today he was even more pissed.

Perth could only hope it wasn't anything work related. Since the office wouldn't be ready for a couple of weeks, as Saint had said, he didn't know what was going on there. He wanted to go to the building, and look around, to get used to the place, so it wouldn't be so foreign when he would start working, but without a proper job position and an office, he wouldn't be able to learn much, and he doubted Saint would be kind enough to give him some advice or to familiarize him with the place.

Since the two companies, his father's (Perth refused to call it his company since he hadn't done anything yet to earn that title) and Saint's were united they had been transferred into a bigger and taller building. Perth had been there only once, at it's inauguration.

Perth rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palms in frustration. The TV wasn't doing a great job to distract him from the mess that was happening not too far away from where he was. He decided to get up and go there, see if he could help Saint find them sooner, so the noise would stop.

He walked slow and quietly to the kitchen hoping that smoke wasn't coming out of Saint's ears at this point. Perth turned to the corner and saw Saint slamming another cupboard. Seriously, he had to have looked to each cabin at least four times now.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he heard Saint groan in frustration, a hand brushing his hair as he muttered something along the lines of 'fucking Mean'.

"Are you looking for something?" Perth asked quietly trying not to look as if he was sneaking on Saint.

Saint turned around and looked at Perth with the same look in his face as always, repulse. "Mind your own fucking business." He snapped.

"What's wrong? You can tell me." Concerned, Perth asked Saint even though from the reply that he had just gotten, the boy knew he should have just let him be.

Annoyed from his husband, who seemed to not understand that he shouldn't even be here, Saint turned around once again to face him. "As if you fucking care." He snorted.

Perth rolled his eyes. That was the exact response he had expected from him. "If you tell me what you want, I could help you find it sooner and you will stop making a mess. Orn did a great job cleaning this whole place."

"I don't give two shits what kind of a job Orn did!" Perth flinched at Saint's outburst. "Where the fuck did she put all the alcohol?" Saint threw his hands in the air in Perth's direction and turned around looking for it again.

"Well Captain Obvious, as if you might have noticed it isn't here. If you didn't know, we have a minibar in the living room. Perhaps it would be there?" The boy's voice leaked sarcasm.

"Don't try to be all smart on me Perth. You know I don't like it!" Saint raised his brow, his lips pressing in a thin line.

"And I don't like you, but you don't see me complaining about it. Now, go drink and stop whatever is it you're doing." Perth turned around, leaving there an angrier Saint.

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