Chapter 11. Anderson

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        You'll never know the meaning of pain and stress if you never become pregnant, but you'll also never know the true meaning of happiness. My happiness laid in a bundle of blankets in my arms, I could hear Andrew yelling outside demanding to let it but he wasn't allowed since he wasn't the husband or anybody related to me. He was my best friend, and the father of my child. The reason why I named my son Anderson is simply because;

The And in Anderson stands for Andrew.

The er in Anderson stands for Jennifer.

Then the son in Anderson stands for him, being our son.

His small arms moved around through the air trying to see through his squinting eyes. With Anderson in my arms nothing in this world seemed wrong anymore. If Andrew chose to stay then I would be glad but if he chose Amber then it doesn't matter as long as I had my Anderson. He was the most beautiful thing on earth, the most perfect thing, and I thought I would never make such a perfect person in my whole life. Once everything was alright, they let Andrew and Natalie in. For some reason Michael wasn't there.

"Oh my God Jen! He is so cute!!" Natalie cooed as she sat next to me on the bed. Andrew then stared in amazement at Anderson, "What's his name?" Andrew asked "Anderson... but Andy for short." I replied as I stared lovingly at my son. "Can I hold him?" Andrew asked, before I could even give Andy to Andrew, Natalie stepped in front of him stopping him from passing. "What makes you think you could waltz right back in here?" she sassed, "It's fine Natalie, he can hold him." I tried to reason with her but she wouldn't have it. "Jennifer, I can't let you let this bastard waltz right back into your life only to hurt you in the end. Jen, he. has. hurt. you! Don't you get it? He has to learn to get back in." I didn't agree with what Natalie said but she was right. I can't let my feelings get stuck in the way.

I can't let Andrew be all 'I love you Jennifer.' only for him to run back to Amber and bowing to her.

"What do you mean I have to learn?" Andrew asked growing furious. "I mean you have to earn her trust again, to earn her love. You have to earn the love of your child." Natalie raised her voice. "Earn my child? That's my son if you haven't notice. My blood. I have every right to claim him as mine! And I have already loved Jennifer from the beginning." "Says the one who got married to another woman!" Natalie snapped back. "Enough with all these non-sense excuses, Jennifer you'll let me hold him right?" he asked as he looked at me as if he was expecting me to obey him.

This was not suppose to happen. We weren't suppose to be fighting on this very special day.

I sighed, "She's right Drew, you can't come to me telling me you love me and you'll always be there for me when at the end of the day... you go home to Amber. You can't have the best of both worlds. It just doesn't work that way... until you have straighten out things you aren't allowed to come near me or my son--" "Our son." he corrected me but I raised my voice in a threatening way, "He is my son! I have took care of him while you are far away being with another woman!!" I think once you have a baby you will suddenly have this threatening voice that all mothers have. Andrew was surprised at the tone of my voice. He thought I would submit.

"Andrew... I don't want to live like this. You have to choose... is it me or Amber?" I asked him to choose me, his first love or his wife. Silence consumed the room and beads of sweat was forming at the back of my neck, nervous. Without a word uttered he walked out of the room. I was expecting a happy ending and I am blessed that I have Anderson still the answer of Andrew choosing Amber over me still hurts. I shut my eyes and forced the tears away while Natalie rubbed my back trying to comfort me but how can one be comforted when her heart has dealt with a heartache that felt like a million heart breaks.

A single tear escaped my eye, I then kissed Anderson's head as I said "I am going to take care of you... I promise."


        Eventually I moved in with Michael, he gave me and surprisingly Natalie spare keys to his apartment although we were many still his apartment was big enough for us to fit. Michael even let me turn one room into a nursery room which me and him decorated together. It's been weeks since I have last seen Andrew and even though it was breaking my heart still I had to stay strong. Michael even tried asking me out, though I told him I wasn't ready he totally understood.

Me and Michael have grown very close, he even told me the story of his first Love and how his child die. (But Michael lied about how his child die and how Leah left him, so Jennifer is still blind) He told me that I looked similar to Leah. "You think Amber or Ryan would ever visit you?" I asked as I served the dinner that Michael cooked for us. "I doubt it, Amber thinks I'm annoying while Ryan... Me and him aren't that close." "So who are you close with except me and Andy?" I asked as I nodded my head towards Andy who was in his crib. "I have a few friends... mostly guys from college. But they have their own lives now and sometimes we would hang out. Mostly I have time to myself... or I would go check in with Leah." he said

"How's she doing? Do you just go back up to her?" I asked, being nosy. "She has her own family now. Her husband is a pilot, she has three kids. She has gain weight a bit but she is still beautiful. But no, I don't go up to her... I watch from my car or through the window." he replied

"Yikes! Talk about creepy stalker." I teased but he grinned and said "Don't deny that you once spied on Amber and Andrew." he teased back. I then did not answer because I did spy on them, which made Michael laugh.

Everything seemed so normal, it's as if Andrew never came in like a storm that really messed up my life. 

And he left the most beautiful and perfect thing he could ever give me, 



This is a short chapter. More like a chapter that introduces a new character. Do you guys ship Andrew and Jennifer or Michael and Jennifer? Comment your thoughts. I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. There will be more exciting moments to come. 

Thanks for reading!!

A. M. Robinson

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