Chapter 15

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They stood over a bubbling cauldron, containing a smoking black stew, whilst Regulus continued to stir clockwise. The book was right next to it, scribbled on with notes he'd put in the margins. Evan had been especially jolly that morning, not even complaining about the house elves taking a bit longer with the food that morning, and not saying a word when they watched Sirius tackle his boyfriend in the courtyard. His energy was certainly off.

"Where were you last night?" Icarus Nott asked. There it was. He had spotted Nott and Rosier conversing that morning. Icarus seemed to like to get into Regulus' business, despite them barely being friends. After no response, he continued as Regulus busied himself with chopping ingredients. "I know you have a girlfriend. Evan told me that you've been staying out all night with someone."

"Evan likes to gossip."

"Evan said you smelled like smoke. I don't know any Slytherin girls that smoke regularly. Is she from a different house?" The grinning boy presumed, but Regulus continued to ignore him. They both were gossips, but at least Evan was more tolerable. "Have you had sex with her?" That question caught him off guard, causing a light blush to brighten his cheeks which he knew Icarus took as a "yes". Truth was, he hadn't even thought about sex. The only sexual experience he had was walking in on Evan and Emma, and that was disgusting.


"You shouldn't talk about my business with other people." Regulus confronted, which he rarely did, if ever. He knew his place was slightly below Evan. Despite having better blood status, he was younger.

"Maybe you shouldn't keep secrets from me, then." The older one responded, checking himself out in the mirror that was hung in the corridor. "Is this about your girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"Right, that's why you came back to the common room at four in the morning with messed up hair and robes that smelled of smoke." His voice dripped with sarcasm, his eyes glowed with eagerness. He smirked at the mirror, eying Regulus through it. "Who's the lucky lady?"

"There isn't one." Regulus repeated the sentiment, although he knew it wouldn't change a thing.

"Regulus, I'm going to tell you this once and then never speak about it again. Even if it isn't true, which I know it is, me spreading that you have a girlfriend is doing you a favor. I mean, you're sixteen with no girlfriend—people start to wonder...especially with your brother." He paused to look at Regulus. "Introduce everyone to this mystery girl. That'll fix it."

Evan had been known to lie, especially in the pursuit of secrets, but he internalized the advice. As they met up with other Slytherins, he couldn't help but wonder if any of them had ever made assumptions about him. They all acted normal. It was most likely a lie, but it was a very effective lie.


A fifth year had been watching him since the year had began. He'd catch her in the stands during Quidditch practice and staring at him in the Great Hall. She was decently pretty and elegant. Her black hair was always in a perfect bun, her nails were always painted, and her robes were never wrinkled. Truly, she was the kind of girl his parents would approve of. Even more perfect—he'd caught her with a pack of cigarettes in her pocket.

As he approached her in the common room, he regretted being so desperate. She perked up as soon as he came close to her and nonchalantly fixed her skirt. The friends that surrounded her shared a knowing look before dispersing, leaving them alone. Her legs were crossed in an elegant manner, and her dark skin glowed in the eerie lighting of the lanterns. What do you say to a girl you have no interest in? He wasn't sure, although she quickly absolved him of worrying about it.

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