Chapter 5

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The bed beside him was empty, left disheveled by the monster who had carelessly tossed the covers back and left. The sheets on the side he'd slept on were more disheveled than he had ever seen, and he was appalled by the lack of manners. Not only did he crawl into Regulus' bed, he slept there and then left it a complete mess. Regulus took a moment to remember how he'd ended up there, but it hit him like a Thunderbird had slammed into his chest. Not only had he cried, he'd clutched onto that boy for dear life. How pathetic. Would the others know? Would James have opened his fat trap and shared all the gritty details about his breakdown?

The answer was an obvious no, considering no one at his table even mentioned James. That day's victim was still Severus, which made him feel relieved. He simply laughed along, as if he hadn't been bawling his eyes out hours prior. Halfway through dinner, he finally let himself take a quick look towards James. Their eyes met, but Regulus couldn't turn his head away. Embarrassment and disgust welled up, making him unable to move. He's going to do it. He's going to say something. But he never did. Instead he just gave a sincere smile, then went back to apologizing profusely to the redhead.

Before his mind could wander, Snape pulled him out of his thoughts. "Did Potter just smile at you?" He asked, happy to change the subject back to the Black family's failures. "Seems as if someone is taking after their brother."

"Don't compare me." Regulus seethed, maybe with more venom than he should have.

"Look at them now. The two little fairies." Snape said, drawing attention to Sirius' arm around Remus' shoulders and how close in proximity they were to each other. The group's stares must've been felt because the two turned towards the Slytherin table, Sirius looking smug. "Does it run in the family, Regulus?"

"I did hear that it's genetic. Are you craving Potter? Should I call him over?" Avery asked, excited to be causing trouble.

"No, that's not necessary."

"Oi, Potter!" Avery shouted, making the entire table look their way. Waving for him to come over, Avery smirked, and caused James to cautiously stand up. His friends looked concerned, but he swiftly made his way over to their table and stood in front of Regulus. "Regulus has something to say."

"No, I do not." Regulus warned, fearing Avery's devilish ways.

"Oh, so being a fairy does run in the family, then. Was that why Potter—"

"Being a fairy?" James interrupted, "Do you mean being gay? Did you come over here to ask if I was gay? Avery, I'm flattered." He gave his signature mischievous smile, looking back towards his friends.

"Don't get it twisted, Potter. I was making sure that Regulus wasn't—"

"So you're the one that's interested, Reg? Now I'm really flattered. Is it the new haircut?" He pretended to fix his hair, knowing he was winning.

That was the moment when Regulus should have outwardly condemned it. But, looking at James, he would feel guilty if he was so cruel after his kindness. "I supposed the gene theory would be correct, then."

"Snivellus, shut the fuck up. I wasn't talking to you." James snapped, making Snape's face flush.

The moment felt like a lifetime, just Regulus stalling and trying to keep emotionless while they picked a fight. "Mr. Potter!" A stern voice yelled from the High Table, "Return to your respected table. Now!"

"Didn't you hear—"

"Don't make me come over there, Potter!" She warned, but James didn't seem to want to back down. In his position, Regulus would've dropped the issue and walked away but the hazel-eyed boy was far too stubborn for that. Her high heels clicked as McGonagall stormed towards the Slytherin table, eyes blazing towards James. "What is going on here?" Her Scottish accent was thick from her anger and frustration, but it didn't seem to faze anyone other than Regulus.

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