Chapter 13

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The windowsill was occupied by two boys, smoking and blowing the smoke out of the open window. James didn't smoke too often, but his head hurt and he was sick of taking potions to help with it. The moon was almost full, and a full moon in the Shrieking Shack was sure to make his head only feel worse. Sirius seemed preoccupied and his eyes were glossed over from daydreaming, most likely about Remus. He hadn't confided in Sirius about how concerned Regulus had been, despite it plaguing him. It simply made no sense—Regulus went from hating him to nearly weeping when he only got hit in a game.

The sizzling sound when he breathed in the fumes put him at ease. The way Regulus clung to him—he had been chosen to serve as his confidant, and now had to care for the boy more than just for Sirius. When a darkness plagues someone, disappointing them would only push them deeper into that void. It was a responsibility he wasn't sure he was up for. The night at the lake, when he had dove deep enough to where blackness nearly surrounded them and Regulus claimed he was "dirty", seemed to have caused a shift. Or maybe it was another day or comment. It could have been the morning after, when James had lended him a jumper. Maybe it was the first day back, when he had the bright idea to bother Regulus.

"What's wrong?" Sirius asked, finally snapping out of his own dream world.

Should I tell him? A sugarcoated version wouldn't hurt. "The day that I got hurt," He began, "Your brother came to visit." The mention of his brother made his ears perk up, like a dog on high alert. "He was upset that I had gotten hurt. Scared, I guess."

"Scared?" Sirius repeated and James nodded. "He's so odd, sometimes." When he shook his heat, his wavy hair flowed and he tucked a bit behind his ear. "I think he likes you more than he likes me nowadays. I'm not jealous, though. Well, maybe a bit, but overall im glad."

"He stole my jumper." James lightened the mood and they both laughed a bit.

"Yeah, well, he's still a Slytherin." Sirius said. "Soon he'll be a Death Eater." It was the first time that had been brought up since their argument, both had an unspoken agreement to not speak of it. "And we'll be in the Order."

James didn't respond. What could he say to that? He couldn't imagine the boy he'd pulled from the water, the boy who cried in a broom closet, the boy who was upset by a quidditch mishap, as a Death Eater. Remus had brought up a point that confused him, Regulus served no purpose. He still had the trace, he couldn't apparate, and he was only a teenager. James put out his cigarette, and chucked it onto the grass below.


The owls descended upon the Great Hall and one landed right in front of Evan with a distinct envelope, a bright red Howler. Slytherins around them sniggered at Rosier's fate. With a begrudging groan, he untied it from the owl's leg and opened it. Rather than a shrill scream from his mother, the sounds of pleasured groans from two men filled the hall and caused everyone around them to be in a state of shock. Skin hitting skin was heard, along with moans and yelps that caused Regulus' eyes to widen. Once the Howler stopped, the other tables roared with laughter and confusion, but the Slytherin table remained mute.

"What the fuck!" He finally yelled, causing four distinct laughters to heighten. Regulus had to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing, disgust being outweighed by how outrageous the situation was.

Dumbledore seemed somewhat amused, but McGonagall quickly quieted down the hall. She had to have known who it was, and didn't bother to do anything about it. The shreds of the Howler littered Evan's English breakfast, and a piece fell into his Pumpkin Juice. Regulus still had a hand firmly covering his mouth and his eyes sealed shut, desperately trying to keep quiet. When he opened his eyes a bit, he met his brother's and was offered a giggly smile. Before anyone could notice, though, he looked back towards Evan and the others.

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