Chapter 8

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The story revolved around a crew of "Greasers", an old Muggle term, and the main character was Ponyboy. That was all Regulus had been able to determine, before he was so rudely interrupted by the book being swiped from his hands. He found himself unconsciously reaching for it, desperate to take it back, but stopped when he met eyes with the thief—Evan. To his surprise, Evan didn't even notice that the book was a Muggle item and seemed intent on something else.

"Professor Slughorn wants to speak to you." Evan told him, his smirk outlining the dimple on his cheek. Evan was notably handsome and powerful. He had the charisma that many Gryffindors possessed, but was too stuck up and snobby to use it properly. "I'm sure you know what it's about." He finished, wiggling his eyebrows at Regulus and waited for the other to stand up.

Regulus knew exactly what it was about—the Slug Club. His exceptional grades, noticeable talent, and quidditch performance had caused the Professor to always keep an eyes on him, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he was invited to join. Evan had been desperate to get in, but his father was a known Death Eater and Slughorn avoided the Dark Lord's followers like the plague.

Professor Slughorn's office was a large room the was beautifully decorated, containing seating areas, a fireplace, and tapestries. The room was more geared towards parties, rather than being used for potion-making. Pictures covered his desk, the most recent being of the Slug Club from the previous year—containing familiar faces like Lily, Severus, and Icarus. Evan stood beside him, leaning in to look at the photo. "Severus has managed to become uglier since then." He commented and laughed at the nervous-looking Snape, who was staring at Lily. Evan's good looks caused other people's appearances to be a common insult; he, occasionally, went after Regulus' nose and scrawny frame, but that was only when he was in a particularly bad mood.

"Mr. Black!" A cheery voice yelled as it entered the room from a door towards the back, causing both Slytherins to look up. Slughorn was plump and short, which had been repeatedly pointed out by Evan. "Thank you for getting him, Mr. Rosier." The professor said, signaling for Evan to leave. He did, and Regulus was left alone with Slughorn.

"Take a seat." Rather than guiding him over to the desk, the professor led them to the seating area in front of the fireplace. The man poured out some expensive drink, claiming it was a gift from a past student, and handed Regulus a goblet. After going on about the exotic beverage and his beloved student, he went quiet for a moment. "Do you know why you're here?" He asked and Regulus responded with shaking his head, while taking a sip of the tangy drink. "You have proven yourself to be a talented young man. I'm afraid I questioned my instinct, fearing your intentions, but I can no longer have you not be a part of the Slug Club." He spoke, although Regulus was suspicious of whether it was truly his "instincts" or whether he had just seen Regulus succeeding. The fear was, obviously, from Regulus' closeness to students like Evan Rosier.

A substantial amount of time was dedicated to Professor Slughorn showing off his successful students, taking responsibility for their prosperity. The pitch contained government officials, quidditch players, and brave Aurors. The unspoken truth was also there, Lord Voldemort had once been a part of the Slug Club. His parents would be so proud that their son had been chosen to be a part of something so prestigious, so the pitch was useless because he was definitely going to join. "Would you like to be a part of the Slug Club?"

"Of course. I'm honored, sir." Regulus said with such a polite tone that any professor would instantly be wooed.

"I would also like to give you this." Slughorn said, digging his large hands into his ornate vest and pulling out an envelope bearing the Slytherin crest. Regulus accepted it was a slight bow of his head. "I expect great things from you." He told Regulus as he was leaving the room. You and everyone else.

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