Chapter 6

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Sorting books was one of the easiest detentions you could get. Regulus assumed they got the easy task because she was just punishing James for show, considering she agreed with him. When James walked up to them, late as per usual, he was wearing casual clothes rather than his uniform. To his surprise, McGonagall didn't say anything about his inappropriate attire. It resembled a Muggle outfit, jeans and t-shirt that was a tight fit. Even the sneakers looked like a Muggle would wear, red with dirty white laces. It wasn't Regulus' first time seeing him in casual clothes, but it was certainly unexpected.

James' build was so odd. They played the same sport, yet Regulus was scrawny and James looked as if he could lift Regulus over his head with ease. The green graphic design brought out the green in his eyes, making his eyes appear to be the color of grass. The lush kind of grass, that you want to lay in and let the smell swallow you whole. Stop! He scolded himself, not allowing any more thinking about James or his build, or smell, or looks.

Once the were guided to the room they'd be sorting the books in, some empty classroom, the candlelight made James' shine appear to be golden. The warmth that James radiated was only increased tenfold by the dim lighting. Even so, the playfulness and I-don't-care attitude pissed Regulus off.

They worked quietly at first, both in their own heads about random things. For Regulus, it was mostly replaying the day in his head and trying wrap his head around the events. Not only had he shared a bed with another guy, he then got caught up in a whole scene in the Great Hall.

"Your mates are dicks." James' voice interrupted his thinking. "Making fun of you for your brother's love life is seriously fucked."

He contemplated that. Not only was he well aware that his friends were closer to enemies, but he also knew that preying on his weaknesses was poor sportsmanship. "You should listen to McGonagall. Don't waste your time arguing with us. It won't change our minds." Was his response. Dry and direct. Not only did it solidify that he agreed with the others, but it also gave James a push to no longer mess with his life.

"I don't care about changing their minds. You're the only one that matters out of them." James said, making Regulus' heart feel uncomfortable. Even though he knew it was because of his brother, being singled out by James felt...strange. Strange in a way that his heart pounded incorrectly, and his breath got caught in his throat. It was a new sensation. One that he definitely didn't like.

Recuperating, he took a deep breath and responded. "My mind is set."

"If your friends changed their minds, would you?"

"They would never—"

"That's what I thought." James smugly said, throwing a dusty book into a pile. "So, your mind isn't set. You just listen to what everyone else is saying." It wasn't even worth arguing with James, he had already made up his mind on Regulus' true thoughts. It seemed that James wanted to see some light in Regulus, like he wasn't as truly dark and insidious as he was pretending to be.

The Gryffindor was truly delusional, if not stupid, in Regulus' mind. "Are that? Is that why you're so obsessed with it?" Regulus countered, seeing calling James "gay" as being a sufficient comeback.

Of course, James didn't even seem slightly bothered. "No, I'm just an ally is all." He assured, but a smug grin returned to his face. "Why? Are you interested? Your friends said you had something to tell me." He approached Regulus, leaning in with a smug grin. His presence was overpowering, making the hair on the back of his neck stand up in protest.

"No! They wanted me to say that—" He was ready to produce some homophobic insult, or a slur, but looking James in the eye and saying anything remotely close to that seemed impossible. "That it's gross."

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