Chapter 29

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Hi everyone!! Thanks so, so much for reading. This is a super short update just to whet your appetite for what's to come. It is currently 3am so my apologies for any typos. I will go back and edit/add more later.

Also quick thank you for all your awesome comments. Homeless is currently #1 on the New York hashtag and #10 on the interracial hashtag!! All because of you guys. Thank you so much. 💗

Danielle's POV

Friday rolls around and Derek and I head into the bakery. We round the corner with my hand in Derek's and I realize how my happiness has grown. My life has gotten so comfortable with Derek and I absolutely love it.

"Hey guys," I say, walking in the door with Derek close behind. He doesn't let go of my hand and I'm glad he doesn't. His presence is something the girls are going to have to get used to if they want to continue working here.

"Hey!" Anna says. "Hey Derek. How are you guys?"

"Good, thanks." Derek gives her a small but genuine smile and I can't help but think that things are finally going to get better around here.

"Hey Lizzy," I call out. She has her back to us as she buried herself updating today's menu.

"Hey," she mumbles without turning to us.

Derek and I walk through the backdoor and get started on getting things ready for the day.

By 1pm, we are completely sold out and are winding down for the day. As I'm wiping down the kitchen counter, I hear a ping on our iPad. There's an order for 500 cupcakes to be picked up tomorrow morning. I sigh as I think about how many hours it will take me to complete. I contemplate declining the order but decide against it. It's a $1,200 order and if I really hustle, I can probably crank it out in less than 4 hours.

"Hey Derek."

Derek steps out of the pantry and looks at me. "Hey, what's up?"

"I just got a pretty big order to be picked up tomorrow morning and I'm gonna get started. Anna had to go home but would you mind counting the till with Lizzy when you're done in there?"

Derek looks away from me for a moment before looking back at me. "Um, sure. I'll be done in here in five."

He disappears back in the pantry and I get started on this massive order. It's for an end of the year party for a local law firm and they want their logo on each cupcake. I get started on the logos first before getting to work on the cupcake batter.

45 minutes later, Derek is bringing the cash from the till back into the kitchen.

"Lizzy had to run but we counted everything together." Derek places a large envelope on the corner of the kitchen island.

"No problem," I say. I take 200 cupcakes out of the oven and place them on the counter. "You can head home if you want. I'm just trying to finish this order and I should be home by dinner time."

"I'm not gonna let you do this all by yourself," Derek says. He heads to the sink to wash his hands. "Just tell me where you want me."

By the time Sunday rolls around, I am absolutely exhausted. I don't want to head into the bakery but I know I have to meet the armoured truck today.

While Derek wanted to come with me, I decided to come alone to just get this out of the way. If the truck comes on time, I'll be home in an hour.

When I get inside the bakery, I head straight to the safe and pull out all the money and receipts from this week out. I place everything into neat piles on the kitchen counter and take a seat while I wait for the truck.

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