Chapter 26

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Danielle's POV

"You made it home in one piece," Derek comments when I walk in the door. "I was worried about you."

"Yeah, yeah," I reply. I kick my shoes off and head straight to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"How was it?" Derek asks from his spot on the couch. He's watching a home improvement show but mutes it to talk to me.

"Absolute crap." I sit at the kitchen island and chug my water. Thankfully I tapped out after 3 mimosas so I don't feel terrible.

"Why was it so crappy?"

"Well you came up, and of course, Anna opened her big mouth. I don't think she said it to be malicious but she told Lizzy about you previously staying behind the bakery and how you're living with me now. She was drunk and just spilled everything she knew." I'm angry that this is how it all came out.

"Yikes ," Derek says. "How did Lizzy react?"

"As I expected," I say, rubbing my forehead. "She said some stupid crap that she's said before. Just her usual reckless self."

"I don't know what she has against me but you know she's gonna make my life hell right?" Derek says.

"She's not gonna make your life hell," I say. "I would let her go before she did that."

Derek sighs. "I just don't trust her Dani."

"She can be really, really stupid in what she says but she's not a bad person Derek. She'll warm up to you."

Derek doesn't say anything. I chug the rest of my water then join him on the couch.

"What are you watching?" I ask. I sit next to him and lean my body into his. He puts his left arm around my shoulder and pulls me close.

"It's called Fixer Upper. This couple helps renovate homes in Texas."

"I didn't know you liked this kinda stuff," I say, turning to look up at Derek.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," Derek says. He pecks me softly on the lips. "Like how much I really, really like you. I'm falling for you hard Danielle."

My heart beats fast at Derek's admission.

"I really, really like you too," I whisper.

He brings his lips to mine and kisses me longer this time.

"I've only known you for a month and you've already completely changed my life," Derek whispers against my lips. "Thank you." He bring his lips to my neck.

"That was all you," I say back. "I'm just lucky to have you in my life."

I bring my hand up to Derek's cheek and gently bring his face up to mine. I kiss him once then kiss him again. His lips are so soft. I don't want to stop kissing him.

I sit up from leaning against Derek and before I know it, I'm climbing on his lap. I straddle him, placing one knee on either side of his hips. As I settle into him, his hands find their way to my lower back and rest just above my butt. He drags them around my waist then rests them back on my butt. He pulls me closer to him.

I place my hands on his chest before wrapping them around his back and pulling Derek close.

"Hi," I say when our foreheads touch.

"Hi," he responds. My eyes are closed but I can hear a smile in his voice. We kiss again. As our lips dance together, I feel Derek's tongue shyly poke between my lips. It's unexpected but incredibly attractive. I welcome him into my mouth as our kiss becomes more passionate. I inhale lightly. I want more of him.

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