Chapter 8

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Danielle's POV

Severe weather alert starting tomorrow, December 16 at 5am. Please take shelter. Thunder storms and high winds expected to last through the 19th.

The alert rings on my phone as I'm getting ready to head to the bakery for today. This is the first storm of the season.

As I pull my passion twists into a bun, I can't help but think about Derek. I wonder if he knows about the coming storm. I would hate for him to get caught in it.

I have the fleeting thought of welcoming Derek into my home but I quickly dismiss it. Offering him a steady job is one thing but letting him into my home is a whole different story. I know he goes to a shelter on Sundays so maybe I'll encourage him to go tonight before the storm.

When I get to the bakery, I peek down the alleyway to see Derek laying down. I know he's probably asleep so I don't bother him.

I head inside and start prepping for today.

"Hey," Anna says, walking in the kitchen. "You see the alert for the storm this weekend? The news this morning said it's supposed to drop to negative 20 around midnight. The whole city is supposed to pretty much freeze over."

"I saw the alert but didn't know all the fine details. I'm going to close the bakery tomorrow and Saturday. I don't want any of us being unsafe. Plus I doubt anyone will be out. We can just reopen Monday if it's safe."

"That sounds good," Anna says. She puts on her apron. "Today will probably be busy though. It's always crazy the day before a storm."

"Yup," I say in agreement. "Everyone likes to stock up on their sweets."

Lizzy walks in a couple minutes later and we get started for the day. By the time the shop opens at 9am, we have over 1,000 cupcakes in the display case.

Lizzy hops on register when the doors open and Anna helps her work the front. I start cleaning the kitchen and get everything organized. I try to put in extra work since we won't be back until Monday at least.

As I'm starting to take the trash out, I see Derek sitting up, reading a book.

I open the backdoor and drag the trash bag out with me.

"Hey Derek," I say, smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," he mumbles. "Need help with that?" he asks, looking at the trash bag.

"I think I got it." I cross the alley to toss the trash bag in the dumpster then go back to Derek.

"Um," I say awkwardly. "There's a storm coming tomorrow morning."

Derek jerks his head up. "What time is it?"

I look at my watch. "11am."

"Damnit. Damnit. Damn. It." Derek throws his book down, closes his eyes and throws his head back.

"What's wrong?"

"All the shelters in the city are packed by now." I can tell Derek is frustrated. "How bad is the storm?"

"They're predicting it to get as low as negative 20 around midnight. It's supposed to thunderstorm storm before that."

"So the whole city will freeze," Derek says. "How did I not know this was coming?" he mutters to himself.

"Do you wanna stay at my house?" I blurt out. "I have an extra room." As soon as I say it, I want to smack myself. That was quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever said. He's obviously going to say no. I bet I sound so stu—"

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