Chapter 27

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Thank you all for reading, commenting and voting!! I noticed today that this story is #13 on the interracial hashtag here in Wattpad. That is HUGE given there are thousands of stories with the hashtag interracial. I appreciate all of you so much!

Please enjoy this update. As with the last update, I will most likely be adding to this chapter later on. Be sure to check back when you see the next update!


Danielle's POV

I decide on a satin gold camisole and matching shorts for this afternoon. It's a cute set but also on the sexy side.

I grab my favorite perfume and spritz a tiny bit on my wrist before bringing my wrist to my neck, across my chest and then across my stomach. I also brush my inner thighs.

All the places I want Derek's lips to be.

When I get back in the room, Derek is sitting on the side of the bed, facing away from me.

I get in bed then crawl across to get to where Derek is. I wrap my hands around him from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," he responds. He kisses my arm before turning towards me.

I let go of him and get under my down comforter. "You coming?" I ask as I lift up the blanket.

"Of course." Derek crawls into bed next to me then wraps me in his arms. Our legs intertwine as I push my body onto his, my right leg falling in between both of his. I rest my hand on his chest as I lay to his right and look up at him. It amazing how natural this feels.

Derek's hand finds my lower back and he strokes it softly.

"You smell really good," he says into the top of my head. "Like roses."

I smile. I'm thankful I decided to put a little perfume on.

"Can I ask you something?" Derek says. I try not to get lost in his deep blue eyes as our gazes meet. "It's random but I'm curious."

His build up makes me nervous.

"Okay..." I say.

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"

The question catches me by surprise and I repeat part of it back to Derek. "10 years? That's a pretty long time from now."

"Well yeah." He drapes his hand underneath my camisole so that his finger tips are grazing my skin. The action is innocent but it makes my heart race. I snuggle closer to him as I think about my answer.

"To be honest, I haven't really thought that far out. For the longest time, the bakery was my biggest goal. Now that I've accomplished that... I don't know. I definitely would like to travel some more. Maybe start a charity. Get married. I don't know."

Derek chuckles. "Just casually start a charity? You say it so nonchalantly."

I laugh a bit. "I guess it's not that casual but yeah. I want to give back more. The bakery already gives away a lot of baked goods every couple weeks but I really feel like I could do more. It's been something I've been thinking about for awhile now."

"I could see you doing that," Derek says. We lay together for a few minutes, Derek gently stroking my lower back and me lazily dragging my hands up and down his stomach and chest.

"You're such a generous soul," Derek says after awhile. He smiles at me and I stretch my body upwards to plant a kiss on his neck.

"I try," I whisper with my lips brushing against his skin.

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