Chapter 8 - First Night

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As the weeks passed by, the first semester of the academic year began to wrap up.

During the last three weeks of class, Lily was pleasantly surprised that she managed to save the amount of money she needed to move out of the castle and into a decent apartment in Hogsmeade.

Severus was not thrilled that Lily would no longer be staying at Hogwarts, but he was less distraught than he had previously been since he knew they would still continue to see each other.

Using the invisibility cloak, Severus found it was quite a bit easier to meet with Lily in secret.

Since the acquisition of Severus's new tool, he and Lily spent many evenings together and they took walks with one another through the woods on Saturday mornings.

Severus and Lily often shared late night kisses in the corridors without anyone noticing.

Just as they had during their childhood, Severus and Lily were spending a lot of time with each other.

In regards to their new relationship, where Lily lived wouldn't make a difference.

Of that, Severus was now confident.

Although Severus and Lily were still very formal with each other, both were inexperienced and both were a bit nervous about navigating the new nature of their feelings.

Whenever an awkward moment passed between them, Lily laughed it off and Severus would just stare at Lily in wonder.


The Friday after Lily settled into her new apartment, she agreed to meet Severus for dinner atop one of their favorite hills that was close to the castle.

Severus was delighted.

Throughout his brief courtship with Lily, Severus had become accustomed to forcing a scowl on his face when he really wanted to grin.

Although that Friday, while Severus stalked through the rows of tables during his last class of the day, he saw something that really did make him scowl.

"Professor Snape!"

"Yes?" Severus asked sharply as he whirled around and faced...... Lily.

Severus knew immediately that something was wrong.

Lily looked.......anguished.

Lily's pale skin was unnaturally white and gaunt.

Lily's bright, green eyes were dulled by an unsettling anxiousness.

Severus's eyes narrowed to hide his alarm.

Severus was surprised when Lily stood from her seat as she asked, "May I be excused for a moment?"

".......Yes." Severus answered hesitantly.

Severus scowled as Lily ran from the dungeon and headed towards the lavatories.

The other students thought nothing of it and they quickly resumed their work.

Severus easily held his scowl and moved around the room, criticizing the work of the Gryffindor students and praising the accomplishments of those in Slytherin.

But that was just to allay suspicion.

Severus was really watching the time.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.



Twenty-five minutes had passed and Lily had not returned.

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