Chapter 26 - Always

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During their student years at Hogwarts, Severus and Lily had collaborated on countless partner assignments together. They made a good team, complimenting each other's talents and skills, while they worked together.

As soon as they brought Harry home from the hospital, Severus and Lily began their greatest partner project ever.......raising their son.

Though caring for baby Harry was exhausting and difficult at times, Severus and Lily knew a satisfaction they never had before and through the challenges of parenthood, their relationship grew even stronger.

Lily was right beside Harry, feeding him, changing him, rocking him, and Severus was right beside her.

Eager to be involved in his son's life, Severus was a very hands-on father.

One evening, Lily hid in the doorway, smiling to herself as she watched Severus pace around the small nursery, holding Harry in his arms.

"I'm not entirely sure how to go about this......" Severus drawled as little Harry cooed in his arms, ".......But I promise you, I'll do my best."

As she observed the adorable scene, Lily involuntarily let out a squeak and Severus glanced up towards the doorway, spotting her as she stepped into view.

"Oh dear......" Severus remarked to Harry as the little baby giggled, "It appears we're being watched........."

Harry cooed as Lily walked over towards him and Severus.

"Mummy loves you both very much." Lily said with a smile, looking first at her baby then at her husband.

"We love mummy very much too~." Severus whispered in reply, giving Lily a gentle kiss.


The years rolled by faster than Severus or Lily could have ever imagined.

Severus's fears about Harry being the chosen one were revealed to be short-lived.

Harry enjoyed his days as a Hogwarts student as much as both his parents had, however, in Harry's second year of magical education, Voldemort made his move.

The last remaining piece of Tom Riddle's soul revealed itself. The Chamber of Secrets was opened and Voldemort laid in wait for Harry.

Severus didn't make it in time to his son's side, though he was dashing towards the chamber as quickly as possible one he heard what was happening. Once the private battle was over, Severus and Lily were incredibly proud to learn that Harry had managed to fend off the basilisk and destroy the last remaining horcrux, all at the tender age of twelve.

Like Severus and Lily, Harry was celebrated as a hero once word of his courageous deeds spread, earning him the respect of both his classmates and adults.

With his fears for Harry no longer a concern, Severus left the world of academia for a high ranking job as a ministry official, becoming the Minister of Magic later in life.

Lily remained at his side, his loyal, loving wife, deeply invested in her eventual career as a textbook author and editor.

The very summer after his graduation from Hogwarts, Harry began his training to become an auror.

With their only child no longer at home, time really seemed to speed up for Severus and Lily.

One year blended seamlessly into the next.

Harry married Ginny Weasley, inheriting his father's preference for redheads.

Shortly after, one by one, Severus and Lily's grandchildren started to arrive and that was a whole new kind of happiness in itself.

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