Chapter 12 - Red Heads and Warm Beds

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After Christmas, Severus and Lily had barely made it back to Hogwarts before Voldemort summoned Severus.

Severus grew anxious when his dark mark began to burn.

Oh dear.

Lily frowned at the tense expression on Severus's face as he apparated away.

While he rushed to Voldemort's side, Severus's mind raced as furiously as his body.

The house and car were supposed to have been charmed.

Did someone see them anyway?

Did Voldemort know?

Was Lily in danger?

Had Severus jeopardized his position?

Perhaps not.

Upon his arrival, Severus found Voldemort seated in a large room.

Voldemort appeared to be busy conducting a meeting with several of his high-ranking followers.

The subjects being discussed in the meeting did not concern Severus or Lily and when Severus realized that, he breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

In fact, no one even acknowledged Severus's presence until Voldemort happened to glance over at the time.

With an irritated snarl, Voldemort looked over, saw Severus, and snapped. "Severus!"

"My lord?" Severus asked as Voldemort beckoned him over.

Severus walked over to Voldemort and watched as Voldemort pushed a small box into his hands.

"Use the portkey in the other room and go! Now! Deliver my locket to Odessa, that will keep it safe....But you must go now! I'm....I mean, you're already late! Hurry!"

"Of course.....yes, my lord." Severus said with a quick bow before he darted into the other room and quickly used the portkey.

Just holding the box, Severus could feel the ominous weight of the horcrux, as if it were pulling on his very soul.

In a flash, Severus found that his surroundings had changed and he noticed that he had been transported to a seaside cave.

Severus assumed that the cave was the locket's hiding place which Voldemort had been hinting at.

Severus was secretly pleased with his mission.

Now Severus would be able to tell Dumbledore the exact location of at least one horcrux.

That still wasn't a weapon, but it was a start.

Severus looked down at the box in his hands.

Deliver the locket to Odessa.

Severus glanced around the black water and frowned.


So, was Voldemort referring to the cave itself as Odessa?

If that was so, why had Voldemort been in such a rush?

Was the cave going to disappear?

Severus scowled as he thought.

There was nothing in the cave but water and sand.

Where was Severus supposed to leave the locket?

Dropping the locket in the sand didn't seem secure.

Throwing the locket in the water seemed daft.

Severus was almost disappointed in Voldemort.

Why hadn't the great Tom Riddle planned something more elaborate?

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