Chapter 29 (Final)

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"So how do you think we can bring them together and talk?" Lisa asks Jennie skeptically as they walk hand in hand up to the third floor of Lisa and Rosé's apartment building. It's late in the evening and the lights in the stairway keep blinking which adds to the possibility of tripping so they make their way up carefully.

"By force! But then Jisoo isn't answering any of my messages and calls since this morning. She's probably filming this new project and it's going to take a while before I could see her," Jennie sighs, adjusting the jacket, Lisa's jacket, which draped loosely around her shoulders while Lisa digs for her keys in her jeans pocket.

"Well, unless we bring Rosé to Jisoo so they can talk during filming break! We could lock her trailer from the outside until they clear their issues," Jennie adds, bouncing excitedly at the thought as Lisa stops to look at her.

"What if they end up killing each other instead?" Lisa says flatly. "Or kill us for locking them up. Jisoo Kim doesn't seem to like me, for your information," she adds, remembering the look of pure coldness she was given when the actress stopped by the other night in their apartment. Lisa figures she would rather be surrounded by deadly terrorists than confront a seething Jisoo.

"Or they could finally confess their feelings for each other and eventually thank us for locking them up together on their wedding day!" Jennie suggests, positive that the outcome would turn in their favor.

"Fine," Lisa exhales, giving in to the positive bubbles Jennie is blowing her way. "But first, we have to make sure that we say the right thing. Rosé might not want to go, which will be so unlike her but she's been unlike herself since Jisoo messed her up, so I think it's best if we come up with a good excuse for her to go,"

"So basically we need to come up with a lie?" Jennie asks, cocking her head to the side as if brewing a string of possible lies to say.

"A white lie, Jennie, but you need to be the one to do it, I know you hate it and I don't really want to put you in that position, again, but if we are going to go with that plan, you need to do the talking. Rosé knows when I'm lying, unfortunately," Lisa mutters, shaking her head.

"Or we could go for the truth and drag her to the filming site? We'd need more people to help us through. Those long legs are deadly when attacked," she shivers at the thought.

"Know what? Whatever happens, we got this," Jennie says with a snap of her fingers. "This is for their own good, right? I mean, they'll both end up being miserable if we don't do anything. They'll end up dragging us down with their misery and Jisoo is actually worse than me when it comes to love! Also, since you and I are together, eventually they'd be seeing each other,"

"And that's going to be awkward," Lisa says with dread, frowning at the horrible thought. "If this plan is not going to work, Rosé's going to be bringing home different lovers every night to get over her heartbreak and I won't be able to sleep properly or use the sofa, the bathroom, and the kitchen ever again!" Lisa groans before suspiciously glancing at the door.

"Now I'm kinda' afraid to step inside. Maybe I should call first," Lisa says, releasing the doorknob to get her phone from her back pocket.

She feels Jennie stepping closer to her side, her arms coming around Lisa's shoulder, "That doesn't entirely seem like a bad thing. You can... come back home with me instead?" she whispers in Lisa's ear before placing open-mouthed kisses along the curve of her neck. It almost makes Lisa drop her phone as she smirks at the idea and the satisfying gesture.

She hums in reply before turning her head towards Jennie and meeting her halfway. She'll probably never get over how lucky she is to be kissing Jennie Kim as much as she wants. "I think you're right and Rosé's not answering her phone so," she mumbles in between kisses, lowering the phone from her ear, the rest of her sentence easily fading away.

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