Chapter 9

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"Finally you guys are here! Welcome to the party!" Ryujin greets both Jennie and Lisa as they reach the party venue, which also happens to be their building's rooftop area. "Looking really good, Rosé!" Ryujin compliments as Jennie beams down at her outfit. After much contemplation, she had tweaked Rosé's dress a bit, cutting the long sleeves to make it shorter since she had an injury that required her to use a shoulder sling. The yellow striped dress run down to her thighs and paired it with a nice pair of black heels which thankfully, Rosé owns. It was simple yet chic.

"Oh, and of course our birthday girl, looking hot as always," Ryujin says before opening her arms to hug a groaning Lisa. Beside them, Jennie looks at Lisa, stunned as she repeats Ryujin's words in her head.

Today is Lisa's birthday?

When the two break apart and Ryujin walks off after telling them where the beer was being held captive, Jennie immediately grabs on to Lisa's arm before Lisa could go further.

Their eyes meet and she could tell Lisa knew what she was just about to ask, "Why didn't you tell me?" She couldn't help but feel guilty and disappointed at the same time. Guilty, for not learning about that very basic fact one must know when you make friends, and disappointed, that Lisa didn't even try to inform her of that basic fact.

"Chaeng, it's just," Lisa trails off, looking uncomfortable with the topic and Jennie wanted to understand why but she also knew she shouldn't force it out of her.

"Hey," she starts, taking Lisa's hand. "It's okay, I guess this isn't the place for this conversation. You can tell me later," she says softly, squeezing her hand a bit. Lisa seems to have relaxed after she said that so Jennie knew for certain that it's best to put it on hold for later.

"Let's just go have fun!" she suggests instead with a smile as she drags Lisa, who shakes her head and smiles, towards the crowd.

It was a nice setup. There were a string of colorful lights tied from different poles and corners hanging above them, different sorts of couches probably from different rooms of the building loitered the edges of the rooftop and a table on the left side where all the snacks and alcohol were located. The view wasn't as great as the view from her penthouse but that didn't matter. What mattered most to Jennie was the music. There was an acoustic band named 'got7' playing at the other end of the place led by the main singer, Jackson who according to Lisa is the most annoying person in the world well in a funny way, while people swayed and danced at the center. Jennie nods her head to the music naturally as Lisa hands her a beer bottle which she has never tried before. Truthfully, she was more of cocktail and wine kind of girl but Jennie already decided to take the opportunity to try everything, even cheap beer.

But then again, cheap beer is without a doubt cheap for a reason. "Ugh, what is this?" she says in disgust, almost spitting out the bitter liquid as Lisa smiles. "How can you drink this awful stuff?" she asks, watching Lisa down the beer with ease.

"The thing is, you don't drink this awful stuff for the taste," Lisa replies, bumping her bottle against Jennie's before drinking. Jennie was about to say that drinking doesn't have to be excruciating and horrible when Seulgi walks over to them, smiling with her arms wide open.

"You made it!" she says, pulling them both in a bear hug to which they both simultaneously replied with complaints, Jennie with her injured elbow and Lisa's ribs.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting how fragile you are," she says as they both try to regain composure.

"We accept your apology missmam," Lisa automatically replies before adding, "And you do know we live in this very building so if we failed to be here either we are sick or too lazy to come up," Lisa says in a matter of fact tone.

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