Chapter 8

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Jennie felt like the first morning when she woke up to the frightening feeling of being lost and disoriented. It didn't help that she dreamt of being back in her real body, hearing her mother sobbing and her father's strained voice desperately ordering the doctors to save her life. It felt real that she almost thought she actually went back.

Amidst the pounding of her heart and the cold sweat at the back of her neck, she jerks her hand back at the feeling of warm skin coming in contact with her own. She instantly looks over at her side and that's when relief washes over her.

Admittedly, waking up next to Lisa has become a habit for her. It comforts her to be next to the sometimes cold but loveable female. It was the reason for her sudden invasion of Lisa's bed space last night. Lisa has only been the one thing constant in this weird and scary situation she found herself in. Besides, the developing crush that is growing every time Lisa reveals a side of hers that she's only comfortable to show around Jennie (Rosé, actually) could also be the reason why she loves being around Rosé's best friend. She feels so special around her which was an irony because she's been held above everyone almost all of her life due to her social status. However, it was different with Lisa, it's noticeably hard enough getting through the cold female's protective walls and earning her approval.

Maybe, she'd have to thank Rosé for giving her a head start and easy access to Lisa's soft side but Jennie still firmly believes that despite that fact, she had felt a connection between them from the very beginning. Besides, she was basically acting like her usual self and not Rosé. She smiles when remembering the time her eyes first met hers. Those gorgeous doll eyes indeed are already reason enough to like Lisa

Shamelessly watching Lisa sleep, Jennie still remains firm on what she said yesterday, Lisa is beautiful. Even with her hair in a mess and her face without any of that make-up, her features alone are attractive. Not to mention that smooth expanse of exposed skin on those curves she accidentally saw last night which was enough to make Jennie blush at the mere thought of it. Plus her sexy abs. It was just a shame that Lisa herself didn't think it to be true. She remembered seeing the look on Lisa's face that meant that she rarely gets called so. From then on, Jennie has decided that she would make Lisa realize it. If there was one person who absolutely knew all about beauty and appeals it would be her. In her world, being beautiful is a must-have but she knew well, a pretty face isn't pretty if the person has a rotten personality. So, for Jennie, Lisa is not only beautiful on the outside but also inside which makes her overall, close to perfect.

Recalling Lisa's story last night even proves to show just how much Lisa deserves every single love in the world. She'd have thought that growing up with such experiences and tragedies would make one an awful character but here was this strong female who despite all that, grew up to be so much better than most people Jennie knew. And because of that and for all the things Lisa has done for her, Jennie is going to do one of the things she is extremely good at. Making people smile. Or better yet,

Making Lisa smile.

Quietly leaving the room, she heads over to the kitchen to make breakfast. Step one of Jennie's 'Make Lisa smile' project is feeding the always hungry female. It surprised her the first time she saw Lisa chomp down a huge burger, pizza and large fries in one sitting because how can all that food fit in such a thin body?

If Lisa loved to eat, Jennie loved to cook which means living together won't be a problem. Despite having a personal chef, she often helps and cooks in her own kitchen during her downtime. It's just a shame that she rarely gets to cook for anyone but herself, except on special occasions like Christmas or on rare days that she spends time with her family. There's just something about having put so much effort in to something and then seeing people's faces light up in joy because of it. She lives for those moments.

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