Chapter 23

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In seconds, a sly smile forms on those luscious lips before opening and beating Jisoo to it, "Finally, my mermaid is here. Was wondering when you'd finally fall for me," the female says, looking like such a hot mess despite the little accident with her blonde hair scattered on the floor.

What mermaid?

The flirty joke snaps Jisoo out of the initial shock as she backs away, or more like crawl away, and quickly returns right up on her feet. She still does remember her manners and offers her hand for the pretty blonde to take. The smirking female takes her hand without any hesitation and Jisoo is surprised to feel just how warm the blonde's hand is, the very same hand which lingers on to hers for a couple of moments more than intended before letting go.

It felt strange.

Admittedly, there really was something familiar about this woman and that short explosive connection, that comfortable warmth almost makes Jisoo forget what she originally came to do.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she scolds herself for being careless and clumsy as she consciously straightens her shirt and combs her hair with her fingers before finally speaking to the female in front of her.

"First of all, I'd like to apologize for what happened about a minute ago, there was uhh," she pauses for a word to place what she's seen earlier, "A rather disturbing and violent commotion outside that I believe you should report to the management of this building. Thus, the reason for my sudden rude entrance which I again want to apologize for," she slowly explains before clearing her throat once more, the air is just dry in here.

"Oh please, that's nothing new, and no apologies needed. Your only fault was being late. I was almost getting the idea that you bailed on me, babe," the smirking blonde winks playfully and Jisoo internally sighs as she realizes that the tall sexy blonde was indeed flirting with her. For the record, Jisoo never had encountered anyone brave enough to come on to her this confidently. Most of the men who tried initially had to impress her with all their achievements in life, their family status, and wealth as if they were brandishing out their entire resume for her to gape at. But if they think that she would feel honored or think that she can be bought by that useless information then they are most definitely wrong.

Anyways, she's most definitely not here for that.

Brushing the obvious flirting, she immediately decides to get to the point. The faster this conversation ends, the faster she leaves this place. "Are you Lisa or Rosé?" she asks directly as the female tilts her head to the side, the look of amusement never leaving her eyes.

"Lisa's not here, she's working at the bar, well, that is if, you're here for her," Rosé says, her tone  obviously disappointed at the thought before her lips quirk up, "But if you're here for me, then you are in luck since I took the day off," Rosé replies as she slowly takes a step forward, leaning slightly towards her ear as she whispers ever so sensually,

"I also happen to be more knowledgeable when it comes to delectable food and deliciously tempting fun, sweetheart,"

Jisoo blinks a few times, the feeling of warm breath hitting her skin made her lips open and close with the loss of words. Before she knows it, Rosé had walked past her and was opening the door once more. Breaking off from the daze she was in, Jisoo quickly spins around to face the waiting female.

"Wait, let me just make this clear," she starts firmly, finally getting a hold of herself this time. This Rosé had just easily pushed her around just like that. As we all know Jisoo is very competitive and she won't just let someone gain an upper hand. She may be at a disadvantage because she wasn't in her territory but that doesn't mean that Jisoo was just going to let her win.

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