12. laurels

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(22 october 2016, 12: 12 p.m. enroute bus1)

it had been a week since harry properly met louis. he was busy with his monthly exams. these weren't that important but his finals were approaching so it was better to study properly for once. between coffee breaks, books and falling asleep it was really hard to keep up with anyone. though he really was busy harry always managed to squeeze some louis time into his hectic schedule. he had kept up with louis, late morning video calls or just louis dropping some coffee and subway on his way from work.

today was harry's last exam and tomorrow was going to be his first date with louis. although he had initially asked louis out, louis had taken upon himself to plan out their first date.

"curly you would be exhausted after your exams and i really wanna do this so you will listen to me." louis had curtly said to him a few days ago when he came to drop some pizza.

tho harry was really really happy and excited to finally go out with louis he was fucking nervous. he had thought of talking about this to niall but ended up telling louis. he really couldn't control his mouth at 3 a.m. his inner tuffs often spilled themselves and even more with louis. it was kind of domestic harry had thought. to have that one person to talk to about absolutely everything, without any hesitation, even if the person he was talking to was involved in his current state of mind.

"baby it's just me yeah? no need to be nervous."

"but lou what if I embarrass you, I'm really clumsy and-" harry had hastily said while running his fingers through his hair.

"hey shush, you can never embarrass me and if your nerves get too bad we can reschedule okay?"

"but i really wanna go out with you lou." harry whined.

and so the next hour was wasted away in an attempt to calm down harry and reaffirm him.

harry was fucking lucky to have such a beautiful and caring person to be there for him. he would thank the gods personally for creating louis if he could honestly.

those blue eyes and soft voice is surely gonna be the death of him.

that aside currently harry was on his way to bus1 to get a new tattoo since he really wants to extend his canvas. his body, his canvas. it was his first time he is getting a tattoo by louis and he was really looking forward to it.

as he was near the shop he decided to head into the flower shop he passed and decided to buy a bouquet of colourful daffodils for louis. it was a combination of various intense and pastel shades of white, pink, yellow and orange.

better take advantage of the colourful world finally right?


(22 october 2016, 12:28 p.m. bus1)

with a big grin on his face he enters the shop and immediately spots louis tattooing a man. he doesn't really care about the man he only really sees louis and he looks gobsmackingly hot. louis is wearing a black t-shirt with black gloves, with narrowed eyes, a little of his tongue peeking out of his mouth, face set in concentration. is he really supposed to look this sensual while doing his job? harry doesn't think so.

he sees louis patting the guy on his back as a way of telling him he is done and at the same time he hears a voice.

"harry really wants some dick lou." zayn said entering the shop from the back door.

oh yeah harry is just standing there awestruck staring dumbly at louis for the past few minutes.he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck as he slowly comes back to the real world.

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