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( 10 december, 06:28 p.m, harry's apartment)

the month of november passed in a blur for louis and harry. it was a whirlwind of emotions and some of the best memories they ever created.

harry had been rather indulged in his studies to pay louis attention most of the time and others when he was free he was too tired to actually do something. he knew this was a problem, he couldn't prioritise things.
if he got into one thing it was too hard for him to snap out of it.

louis was concerned for his own career to notice harry's behaviour just yet. zayn and louis had decided to shift their shop and move to a bigger and better place. along with the stress of moving, bills and over-all the duties of expanding their shop, louis had also decided to sell some of the songs he wrote. he would have never thought of doing that if harry hadn't encouraged him to do so.

both the boys were okay meeting a few times of a week, even if they met for more or less than a hour max.

it was a blazing tuesday evening, when louis had entered harry's apartment. he had found harry sitting on his desk, going through notes like a mad man.

"harry why aren't you ready babe?" louis asked as he threw the keys on harry's bed carelessly.

with tired eyes harry looked up. "um for what?"

"harry we decided we will go out today!" louis exclaimed, trying to be calm but a hint of annoyance laced his voice.

"sorry lou, can't today. i'm on a important chapter right now." he shrugged and went back to his studying. leaving louis to stand facing his back.

"this is exactly what you have been saying for past weeks harry, please let's just go for an hour and we will come back." louis tried as he moved forward so he could pack harry's things.

"why are you doing louis?" harry screeched and swatted louis's hand away from his table.

louis fish mouthed for a second but quickly regained his composure. "harry we haven't even properly talked in weeks now, c'mon we can just order in and cuddle." louis tried coaxing harry, patting his head lovingly.

harry squinted at louis, huffing and standing up rather abruptly, jerking louis's hand away as a result. "why are you annoying me louis, you know i have exams soon." the effect of coffee finally kicking in.

"i am indulged too harry, you are not the only busy bee here." louis snarled, his voice raising an octave higher.

"well i'm building my career." harry scoffs as he goes on to sit and continue his studies.

"what, what the fuck did you say? and i am not building mine huh?" louis harshly says and harry again stares back at him.

"you are expanding a stupid tattoo shop for fucks sake and im studying to be a psychologist." harry's words are harsh to hear and louis isn't going to take whatever shit harry gives him.

louis tries to calm his breathing and he sits down with his head lowered and his hands tugging harshly at his hair. "is it wrong that i just wanted to spend some time with you."

something in harry breaks at that. "and you think i don't want that?" he shouts.

"well it doesn't look like it now does it?" louis shouts just as louder as they stare at each other.

"c'mon let's go, let's go cuddle and watch a movie." harry sneers, taking hold of louis's wrist and moving to the living room.

louis snatches his wrist harshly as they enter the room. "i don't want to now, you arrogant fuck."

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