4. ebony

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Colour is beautiful, so is Life but a colourless life is where the sorrow lies. Imagine living in a dull, sad world until you meet that one person, that one human who will light up this world for you. Being lifeless until that one person comes who makes you feel alive. Depending so much on a single soul that your life is dismal without them. Is it really worth it? Is love really strong? Or in the end it just makes you weak?


(28 September 2016 , Club Lure)

"What if my soulmate is a dick?"

"What if he doesn't love me?"

"What if it isn't even a he?"

"What if I am unable to see the colors I have read so much about?"

"What if I die in grey's?"

These are some of the thoughts that often roamed in Harry's mind but not tonight. Tonight he is gonna forget about this soulmate crap, he is going to enjoy himself. Maybe score a hot stranger? Tonight he is going to forget about the missing piece in his heart and his eyes. Tonight Harry Styles is going to have fun.

Okay that's a bit dramatic, but Harry has a flare for it anyways.

They were heading inside the club now. He could tell there were flashing lights all around him. The bright lights are hurting some eyes too. He can see it in his grey vision. Sweaty bodies, a drunk fragrance lingering  permanently in the air, loud music blazing through the club and a constant pull on his hand. He looks at the effort and turns to Niall who is pulling him with determination to the club's central bar. He can see and feel sweaty bodies touching him as they make their way.

Upon reaching he can see how Niall enthusiastically reaches for a brotherly hug to one of the two people standing there. The man is fairly built, with warm brown eyes. He looks friendly Harry thinks. His eyes then moves to the slightly shorter lad beside the warm one when Niall shakes his hand and exchange joyus smiles and starts a conversation. Well he is fairly attractive too, with his hazel eyes and raven hair. He looks like a prince he thinks. By the looks of the two men they look close, like two men in love. He sees the look they exchange, it reminds him of pure adoration. Like how Niall looks at his food. He giggles at the thought.

Everyone looks to the source of the sound, Niall shakes his head with a laugh. He probably forgot he was not alone.

"Oh lads, I got way too in that Nando's story, this is my best mate Harry." Niall says while giving Harry a little space so he can come in view to the new company.

"Hello Harry, I have heard a lot about you, and I'm Liam." Liam says happily while giving Niall a cheeky grin.

"All good things I hope." Harry laughs while shaking the other's hand too. He learns his name is Zayn then. Zayn is a little more quiet he remarks.

"Well mostly." Niall laughs at his own reply and Harry shakes his head fondly at the blonde  They all indulge in easy conversation after that.

"Well our mate's in the rest room, he should be coming back and then we can order the drinks." Liam says after a little while.

"Well it's fucking burning up in this shit hole." A soft, raspy voice interrupts them then. Harry turns to look at the source when he sees a man shaking his head with a pouty look on his face as he reaches their spot. He can't see him clearly yet in the dark lighting but he can see his fluffly hair and well his fluffy jacket which the man is pawing at to take it off. He is small Harry notices. Well smaller than him.

Zayn turns to Louis with a smile and help his friend take his jacket off. Liam reaches for Louis's shoulder and turns him to the new company.

"Mate this is my coworker Niall." Liam introduces them as Zayn folds the jacket and places it on the chair. Harry watches Zayn for a moment then his eyes find the fluffy's hands as this one's extends to Niall. He notices several  small traces of inks where the man's jumper is rolled up. The black light shines on his hand and the ink on the hand looks like doodles on a sketchpad more then having deep or resonating meanings behind them, but nonetheless attractive. He decides he likes this one's hand. It reminds him of a fun, easygoing and a quirky personality and Harry like quirky. His focuse then shifts on fluffy's thighs, they are thick in those tight jeans, and they look sinful. He lowers his gaze and can see how the person has rolled up the cuffs of his jeans there. 'Gay' he thinks but doesn't say it. He laughs at his humour internally. He then sees a small triangle tattoo on fluffy's pretty ankles there. Harry's gaze follows the skin lower. He can see the vans now. 'Gay' he thinks again. Well with those thick thighs, pretty ankles and that heavenly voice he wishes that anyways. His feet is small too he notices then. Harry likes that. Maybe Harry can have kinky rabbit sex with this guy.

He is lost in his thoughts, he doesn't notice a small hand waving his front of his face. His curls for that matter. His hair is covering his face as he was staring down at fluffy's legs. He shakes the thoughts out of his head and combs his hand to adjust his unruly hair. He slowly focuses on the hand extended in front of him. Harry takes the hand absentmindedly and then-


His hand burns with electricity that flows deep inside his body and explodes in the giant universe. It was like fireworks when their hands met, he looks up in shock, bewilderment and with utter urgency. His wide eyes follow the skin up to the owner of the delicate hand and then-

Everything stopped for a moment when he met those ebony eyes.



I think the chapters will probably get bigger as I get the hang of it.

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