Decision Day

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-----Liv's Entry-----

Today, my boyfriend and my brother are making one of the biggest decisions of their lives. Choosing which college they are going to commit to, to play football. I remember when we found out Spencer was in the top 100 list for recruitment, I was so happy for him. I've known all along that he was a star, I'm just waiting for the world to catch up.

I'm also super proud of my brother, despite his injury and having to sit out for a while, he was still recruited and is now looking at his dream again to play football professionally just like dad. I know he just wants to make him proud.

I've discovered some things along the way too! I'm excited for life after high school.....

--Baker Home--

Laura and Grace are in the kitchen talking while they continue to set up before the camera crew gets to the house. Grace says "how are you feeling Laura? Our boys are about to commit to a college football team!" Laura says "I know right? this is all too surreal. I just hope whatever Jordan does he feels content about, I want him to be excited for himself you know."

Grace nods "I know exactly what you mean. I know Spencer has been stressed about football and his future, but his playing did all the talking he needed it to do. I'm just so grateful you and Billy allowed for him to come here and stay and play for Beverly when he did." Laura grabbed Grace's hand and says "anytime, you all are family."

Billy comes down and looks at the table with the hats of different schools for both Jordan and Spencer, in awe that both of his guys are about to play college football! He stands in admiration for a while and then walks over to Laura and Grace. "We did it guys, this is the first step into the future, well besides graduation of course." Laura rubs his back as she can see he's nervous, and Grace says "Well Billy you have done a great job with these boys, I know they are going to make a difference wherever they go."

Jordan and Spencer are upstairs having a chat before they both decided on which school to go to. Jordan says "Spence man, before we go down there in front of those cameras and our family, I just want you to know that I'm grateful to have you in my life, as a friend, a brother, someone I can talk to about anything. I'm also super proud of you man, we're both going after our football dreams." Spencer says "I appreciate you bro, you know I meant it when I said we were brothers and that will never stop! When you go down there man make sure you are making this decision for you though, not me, not your pops, or anyone else, we have to take these next steps as men for us." Jordan nods and they dap each other up in their signature handshake.

Jordan heads down and Spencer heads to Olivia's room before he goes downstairs. Olivia opens the door and Spencer is super nervous. Liv grabs him into a hug that they stand in for a while, her body language comforting his as he makes one of the biggest decisions to date. she fixes his tie and then motions for Spencer to come sit next to her on the bed. "Babe, I'm proud of you. Not only did you prove to scouts that you are still an All American, but you have done it with class, and stood up for your love for justice. You have nothing to worry about, I am right here by your side, we all are, and no matter what you decide I'm gonna be right there cheering you on in the girlfriend's section." They laugh. Spencer kisses her forehead, "I love you Liv, I know we are pretty good at reading each other, you always amaze me with your words. You ready to head down?" Liv says "Yes baby let me just get my camera ready, I want to document this!"

--The Moment-----

Everyone is downstairs as the cameras are rolling and ESPN is capturing Jordan Baker and Spencer James' college decision. The parents are smiling, as Jordan and Spencer sit down. Jordan decides to go first as Liv gets her camera ready for pictures.

The Analyst says "Jordan Baker, you have been a great asset to the Beverly High Eagles, you lead your team to the state championships twice, with one trophy win. This is the moment we have been waiting for. Which school will be lucky enough to have a new quarterback on their roster?"

Jordan adjusts his chair as he looks at the hats in front of him. "First I want to thank my family for being here with me today, I am excited for this next journey to continue to play the game I love. As for me, I have chosen to commit to play the QB position at the University of Southern California!!" Everyone claps and Spencer smiles and gives him dap again! Laura and Billy hug him, and after Liv gets a pic of him with his new hat on, she hugs him as well.

The analyst starts again "Congrats to Jordan and USC! Next up we have Spencer James! Two time champion, nationally recruited wide receiver. Spencer you have come a long way, and have proven to be both an offensive and defensive threat. Where will you choose to play next?"

Spencer rubs his hands together, and begins his speech "Thank you to everyone who has been with me along the way on this journey, I personally want to thank my coach, coach Baker who has been like a father to me, you helped me become a better man, and athlete, and I know I am here in big part because of you. I also want to thank my dad, I know he is watching over me proud as I continue the James' legacy. As far as my decision, I have decided to sign and commit to USC along with Jordan and play the wide receiver position."

Grace and Billy both pat him on the back, and Spencer puts his hat on his mom. She smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Liv comes up after them and Spencer kisses her on the lips while everyone else is clapping.

---The After Party----

Everyone was invited to the Baker home after the camera crew was gone so they could celebrate Jordan and Spencer going to USC to play football. Liv sees Spencer off to himself just sitting by the pool and she heads over to him. "Baby, what's on your mind, you've been quiet." Spence smiles, "I'm just taking it all in, to go from Crenshaw to USC, it's crazy to believe it's happening."

Liv rubs his hand "Well baby, it is, and I am so glad I'm here to witness it." Spencer says "you think I'm ready Liv?" Liv looks at him in shock "Of course I do, you break records whenever you have a hot game, you always put your best foot forward, you are ready whether you realize it or not. The next time you and my brother are on the field, you will feel it." Spencer says "yeah, I can show them these hands came to play." He holds up his hands and Liv laughs. Spencer kisses her on the cheek, and Coop comes over.

"Alright alright enough of y'all. You did it Spence!! my boy is a college football player!!! Just make sure you don't forget about me when you hit pro!" Spencer says "Coop you been my ace since grade school, I got you, and you better do the same superstar we know the album is coming!!" Coop and him hug and dap just like old times.

Jordan is over by the tables as he smiles seeing the love Spencer is receiving. He thinks of him and Spencer dominating at USC when all of a sudden he feels a tap on his shoulder.

Simone says "Hey Jordan, I know it's been a minute since we talked, I wanted to congratulate you on USC. You did it! I remember when you had doubts, but look at you, you overcame them and will now be playing football on a big stage. I'm really proud of you." Jordan smiles and pats her on the shoulder "Thanks Simone that means a lot coming from you." They stare at each other for a moment. "Look-" they both began to talk and then Jordan lets her go first.

"I messed up, I felt like I didn't belong with you, but truth is I can't really imagine my life without you Jordan. I love you, and I'm sorry we broke up after the annulment." Jordan in awe says "I missed you too, I understand you felt like my family would always come first, but I will always be there for you, you were my wife, my girl, my love, and I still love you."

Simone smiles and looks up at Jordan as they hug. Jordan says "So...." and Simone laughs as they reach in for a kiss on the lips cementing their relationship once again. Spencer yells over " I knew it!." and they laugh.

Liv and Spencer walk over to them and hug them. Liv says "So, I guess we're about to do this double date thing after all?" and Simone says "I guess so sis." Spencer says "I'm down with that as long as y'all don't go all Black Love matching outfits everyday on us." Jordan says " I can make no promises." Spencer says "Babe, please tell me we won't end up like that." Liv says "I don't know it could be cool around campus me and you matching." Spencer's eyes open, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Liv says "yes, I've been accepted to USC for their communications and theatre program." Spencer picks her up and spins her around as Jordan and Simone watch and smile.

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