Mixed Feelings & A Turn Up

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*The tour allowed for the girls and guys to learn about campus, and check out some dope secluded spots as well. Simone and Jordan walk together and so does Olivia and Spencer.*

Simone, hesitated then begins to talk with Jordan. "Baby, how you like campus so far?" Jordan smiles "it's cool, I definitely like it and they have a good football team, but they are D2 and I'm looking at all D1 offers first." Simone says  " I get that, makes sense, did you even think about us going to school together?" Jordan nods "of course I'd figure wherever I'm  at you'd want to come too." Simone, a little tense. "Uhhh earth to Jordan I have a life too! remember we talked about me playing tennis? Since I don't have the baby anymore I can start some things over. I wanna look at my options for school. In fact, I wanna go to an HBCU." Jordan "an HBCU ? Okay first I don't even know where one of those are in Cali, and second why am I just hearing of it now?" Simone says "it just came to my mind and we are literally making these decisions during the next week! Unlike you and Spencer who don't have to commit anywhere until March, the rest of us have to do it a little faster."

Jordan, upset, "well glad to know you're thinking about life without me already. I know we're divorced but I didn't think we broke up." Simone, sad, "we didn't" Jordan interrupts "save it, I don't wanna talk about this right now." He walks ahead and finds Josh and Jeremy as they are checking out the athletic fields coming up. CHU is big but it runs in one big rectangle so it's easy to spot everything.

Olivia and Spencer are catching up since the last time they hung out. Spencer hasn't told her about the letter from Layla yet, trying to find the right time to do so.

Spencer grabs Olivia's hand and she smiles. "Look at the rock Spencer, it's painted with BLM on it." Spencer looks over, "that's dope. How's the podcast coming?" Olivia says "it's going well actually, I actually have about 2k listeners thus far. I have an interview coming up with another podcast show to get some more buzz."
"Wow Liv that's great! Check you out! From mentioning me on your show to now having 2k listeners, I like where this is going." Olivia smiles at his words, happy to have someone around her so proud of her.
Olivia looks at Spencer, "this campus is kinda small actually once you walk around long enough. Wanna take a break and chill?" Spencer smiles "you read my mind. Let's go to the hub spot I saw some comfy chairs over there." They walk over to the hub where students are taking, studying, and some are talking about an upcoming basketball game for the tigers.

Olivia and Spencer talk for a long time, looking at each other like they always do. Then out of no where Spencer gets a text. Olivia can see from his screen that is says one new iMessage from Layla. Olivia says "hmm I didn't know you guys made up." Spencer says " we didn't, she wrote me a letter about two weeks ago after we hung out. She said she was sorry and that she tried to stay away but she's still in love with me." Olivia rolls her eyes, " yeah and what did you say?" Spencer says "I haven't said anything...." just as he's about to finish his words, Layla comes up to them. Layla sees them and decides to interrupt. "Hey Spence, .... Liv, Spence can we talk?" Olivia says " don't you see me standing here? What happened to not getting in the way of Spencer and I anymore quote on quote?" Layla scoffs, "well I still love him and I needed to get some closure. I didn't actually think I'd see you guys on this trip but here we are." Spencer whispers "Liv don't worry it's gonna be okay, let me just hear her out."

Olivia walks away, upset, something just doesn't feel right about Layla being here or her trying to talk back to Spencer. She texts Simone and they head back to the dorm.

Simone, shocked says "are you kidding me?? Layla of all people is here at the college weekend? I'm surprised she's even thinking about it with her producing career.? But beyond that why is she all up on Spencer and acting like she didn't see you two talking. Girl you want me to go handle it cuz I will. She been eyeing Jordan for a while too, I got eyes everywhere she better watch out." Olivia says,"no, I wanna forget about the whole thing. I'm not about to let this happen twice, Spencer better do the right thing. In the mean time let's go find the girls."

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