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* This part is based off of the future episode coming up on All American Season 3 where Patience is back home from tour and she tries to bring everyone together. NK confirmed this will be a lighter episode lol not with all they drama, but we're about to put a twist in it below*

Patience waits at the bus stop for Coop to pick her up. It's been a long time since they've seen each other and FaceTime just doesn't do what needs to be done.

Coop pulls up, and hops out to grab Patience's bag, and they hug. Coop says "I missed you babe!" Patience smiles "I missed you too! this tour life was no joke, you were right babe. I'm starving let's go eat and catch up."

They hop in the car and head to the cafe back in Crenshaw. They run into Kia. Patience is super excited to be back home to see everyone. She's ready to hang out and have fun. Patience says "Hey girl! it's good to see you, I'm home!" Kia goes in for a hug "ayeeee, it's good to see you superstar I heard the tour was good!" "It was, but I'm glad to be back. Speaking of which, I wanna run something by you." They walk over to a corner for a moment.

Kia a little shocked says, "okay shoot, what's up?" "Look I know Coop and Spencer were taking a break a while back when I left but I wanna throw a welcome home party, and invite everyone from Crenshaw and Beverly to get together. You think you can help me?"

Kia, not knowing everything but knowing enough, hesitates "ehhhh, idk sis, you think it will work? I mean they still aren't eye to eye yet and who knows what's going down in Beverly." Patience says "hey, if we do this at least we can get the tea right?? So come on help me make an e-vite and we can send it out." Kia shakes her head but reluctantly agrees "Alright fine, you better be down for the ride." Patience says "oh, fo sure!"

Coop comes over, "what are you two masterminds over here talking about?" Patience "nothing just about how much I love you." she kisses Coop on the lips. Coop smirks "yeah okay, well come on let's get something to eat I thought you were hungry. You treating too superstar." Patience mouth opened, "oh it's like that?" Coop says "all is fair in the game of love baby." 

-----Invitations Sent------

Spencer is at the kitchen table with Dillon and Grace when he hears his phone buzz. He looks at  his phone in shock. Mrs. Grace asks, "what's wrong baby?" Spencer says "Look at this invite I just got."

*Patience's Welcome Home Party: Join us for a night a fun at Watson's. Thursday Night, 8pm.*

Grace says "ohh my, Patience is home that's good to know, what's going on with you and Tamia though?" Spencer says "I don't know ma, she sent me a video to remind me of who I am when that recruiter was on some funny business as like a peace offering but I'm not sure where we really stand." Grace says "well baby, if you go to this party you will definitely find out. I haven't been to Watson's in a while. Bring me and Dillon back some chicken and waffles on Thursday okay." Spencer smiles thinking of his mom's words.

Olivia hears her phone buzz, thinking it's Spencer she quickly picks it up only to her surprise to see a text from Patience and Kia about the welcome home party. Olivia is nervous, she's good friends with Kia, but her only connection to Patience is Spence and Coop, and they aren't where they used to be.

Olivia calls Spencer. "Hey Spence." Spencer says "Hey, what's up?" Olivia says "well first how are you? and second I just got an invite to Patience's welcome home party." Spencer scratches his head "I'm doing good now that I'm talking to you, and yea me too."

Olivia breathes in, "so are you going?" Spencer sighs, "I'm not sure, I mean I wanna support Patience, but I'm not sure Coop wants me there ." Olivia understandingly says "yeah, well if we went together maybe that will help? You know life is short and you guys have a lot of history." Spencer agrees "you're right, well let's go together then it's Thursday so I'll pick you up." Olivia says "I'll be there."

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